Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Random Moments in #domsquad (volume 4)

Xconvict was my friend Brandon, btw. He never really played DP but for a few times. I think he was semi-serious about TFC, which is the time frame of this conversation, but I don't recall him being active. He did help us create the DOM rap, which I would absolutely LOVE to find, but I haven't yet and I doubt it will ever turn up. Also, Adren seemed to have a drug problem or something back then...

weather where its like, brandon get everyone out and we will play basketball till dark
[XCoNvicT] I wanna dominate in sports when I get there
[RoyaLBlooD] in the old hood
[XCoNvicT] awesome
[XCoNvicT] well tell em to keep it up
[XCoNvicT] fuckin Chicago weather
[XCoNvicT] I dominated when I was there last time and didn't even play well
[RoyaLBlooD] hey, hows the very last Smashing Pumpkins concert sound..
[XCoNvicT] sounds good
[RoyaLBlooD] ive never seen em before
[XCoNvicT] huh?
[XCoNvicT] last
[RoyaLBlooD] yah
[XCoNvicT] me neithr
[XCoNvicT] neither
[RoyaLBlooD] they are breaking up end of this year
[XCoNvicT] why?
[RoyaLBlooD] just like retiring.. i dunno
[XCoNvicT] heh
[XCoNvicT] well...
[XCoNvicT] anyways
[XCoNvicT] cools, I'lll go
[RoyaLBlooD] anyway, since they are from chicago, their last concerts are here of course
[RoyaLBlooD] they are gunna play the Metro for their very last show, as a homage to what got them started
[XCoNvicT] have you seen FIFA for PS2
[RoyaLBlooD] no
[RoyaLBlooD] Dec 2nd
[XCoNvicT] it is awesome
[XCoNvicT] ok
[XCoNvicT] I'll go
[RoyaLBlooD] if i cant get tickets for that, they are playing the UC Nov 29th
[XCoNvicT] ok
[RoyaLBlooD] id rather see them at the Metro.. smaller, more fun, very last show
[XCoNvicT] you make things so compliacted'
[XCoNvicT] complicated
[RoyaLBlooD] well Metro is usually for unsigned bands
[XCoNvicT] oh
[RoyaLBlooD] only holds 1,100, so tickets will go very fast
[RoyaLBlooD] so theres a good chance i might not get them
[XCoNvicT] damn thas like a highschool gym
[XCoNvicT] gay you hear me....
[XCoNvicT] gay
[RoyaLBlooD] not exactly slipknot, but itll do
[XCoNvicT] ok well....I wanna play baseball, football, basketball, and ....
[XCoNvicT] soccer
[XCoNvicT] dominate em all
[RoyaLBlooD] today would own for soccer
[XCoNvicT] people say the XBox is more powerful than PS2
[RoyaLBlooD] probably is
[XCoNvicT] when it truth, PS2 is morw powerful
[XCoNvicT] look....
[XCoNvicT] XBOX is made up of PC coponents
[XCoNvicT] about what a highens PC is today
[XCoNvicT] PS2 could go beyoind that
[RoyaLBlooD] that would be a hell of a lot more powerfull than PS2 then
[XCoNvicT] no
[XCoNvicT] PS2 is made to throw a shit load of polygons with all kinds of effects
[RoyaLBlooD] so would Xbox
[XCoNvicT] you cant just look at the mhz numbers
[RoyaLBlooD] cuz its a game system, not a PC
[XCoNvicT] yah but it has a OS
[XCoNvicT] cut down, but it has one
[RoyaLBlooD] every console has an OS
[XCoNvicT] which is more complicated than the PS2
[XCoNvicT] OS
=== (signoff\#domsquad) XCoNvicT[~java@] @[04:42:15pm] [Quit: Leaving]
=== (join\#domsquad) XCoNvicT[~java@] @[04:44:17pm]
[RoyaLBlooD] oh here is whats up with PS2's anti-aliasing
[XCoNvicT] ok....
[RoyaLBlooD] its there, just when its used it slows down the framerate terribly so most developers dont use it
[XCoNvicT] it's harder to tap into
[XCoNvicT] no...
[XCoNvicT] thas just the conventional way
[XCoNvicT] its many types of anti-aliasing
[RoyaLBlooD] yah
[RoyaLBlooD] most developers dont use them though cuz they slow down the game
[XCoNvicT] its different ways to do it so that it doesn't take a major performance hit
[RoyaLBlooD] they have been doing other nonconventional methods
[XCoNvicT] right
[RoyaLBlooD] but ultimately not as effective
[XCoNvicT] thas what you have to do
[RoyaLBlooD] software wise, not hardware wise
[XCoNvicT] look at madden
[XCoNvicT] full screen anti-aliasing
[XCoNvicT] with little to no performance hit
[XCoNvicT] ]and its beautiful
[XCoNvicT] fifa
[XCoNvicT] NHL
[XCoNvicT] SSX
[RoyaLBlooD] EA is one of the top developers of all time
[XCoNvicT] all run 60 fps
[XCoNvicT] and run fast
[XCoNvicT] I know they are
[RoyaLBlooD] but in general, the anti-aliasing is lacking
[XCoNvicT] that shows that its fully capable
[XCoNvicT] not lacking
[RoyaLBlooD] graphics look better than N64, sure... they should be
[XCoNvicT] just have to take the extra time
[RoyaLBlooD] but what im saying is, its lacking
[XCoNvicT] the development cycle will be longer
[RoyaLBlooD] so when gamecube and xbox come out, you will notice it
[XCoNvicT] ]oh I bet
[RoyaLBlooD] unless then remake the PS2, it will always be lacking
[RoyaLBlooD] cuz its the hardware thats messed up
[RoyaLBlooD] not the software
[XCoNvicT] but they won't be as patient as with Sony because
[XCoNvicT] sony will sell a hell of alot morw systems
[RoyaLBlooD] anyway i was looking at Xbox specs and it does look pretty powerfull
[XCoNvicT] it is
[XCoNvicT] but you have to look at the gigaflops caculatiions
[RoyaLBlooD] but it doesnt matter if the system sells a lot of games only sell moderately
[RoyaLBlooD] developers dont make money off systems sold
[RoyaLBlooD] so far in japan its that way
[RoyaLBlooD] game sales are low
[XCoNvicT] but they have a more consumer base
[RoyaLBlooD] not really
[XCoNvicT] which wou;d sale more games
[RoyaLBlooD] its an illusional base
[XCoNvicT] ?
[RoyaLBlooD] cuz half the base is for DVD movies, not games
[XCoNvicT] no....why would you spend 300 bucks just for DVD
[XCoNvicT] remember
[RoyaLBlooD] its dvd and a game system
[RoyaLBlooD] thats a good deal
[XCoNvicT] for you to be interested, you have thinks games first
[RoyaLBlooD] someone who very rarely plays games but does every once in a while and needs a Dvd will get it
[XCoNvicT] cuz its not that widely advertised as DVD player first
[XCoNvicT] for you to find out about PS2 you have to like games
[RoyaLBlooD] not at all
[RoyaLBlooD] everyone who is alove knows about the PS2, heh
[RoyaLBlooD] err, alive
[XCoNvicT] then its a bonus for you to have a DVD
[RoyaLBlooD] its not a game system its a multimedia system
[XCoNvicT] yah
[XCoNvicT] ok
[RoyaLBlooD] sony is hopeing its the next tv, every house will have one
[XCoNvicT] I know
[RoyaLBlooD] but games... so far arent selling near what they expected
[XCoNvicT] in japan
[XCoNvicT] thas always the case
[RoyaLBlooD] no...
[XCoNvicT] yep
[RoyaLBlooD] usually japan has higher sales
[XCoNvicT] look at all the other system in recent history
[XCoNvicT] Dreamcast
[XCoNvicT] playstation
[RoyaLBlooD] vid games are more common and have been for a long time in japan
[XCoNvicT] N64
[XCoNvicT] yah
[XCoNvicT] but the games don't really jump off until it hits stateside
[XCoNvicT] japan is real skeptical
[RoyaLBlooD] uh, no
[XCoNvicT] so when the system warms up and makes better games, then they buy
[XCoNvicT] yep
[RoyaLBlooD] sega and nintendo have always sold better in japan than in US
[XCoNvicT] not at first Im sayin
[RoyaLBlooD] yah at firts
[RoyaLBlooD] first
[XCoNvicT] no
[XCoNvicT] go back and look
[RoyaLBlooD] yah i know this stuff more than i would know the current stuff dude
[XCoNvicT] they all had terrible launches in Japan
[RoyaLBlooD] lol...
[XCoNvicT] ...right away
[XCoNvicT] look....look at N64's launch, and Dreamcast
[XCoNvicT] look
[XCoNvicT] along with PS2
[RoyaLBlooD] they didnt have a terrible launch
[RoyaLBlooD] and PS2 sold well again... just the games didnt
[XCoNvicT] thas what Im sayin
[XCoNvicT] the games
[RoyaLBlooD] N64 launch was very good btw
[XCoNvicT] ok I'll be back in 10 mins.
[RoyaLBlooD] mario was sold almost 1:1 with the system
=== (signoff\#domsquad) XCoNvicT[~java@] @[04:57:13pm] [Quit: Leaving]
=== (signoff\#domsquad) UnHoLy|Skewl[CoP_KiLLa@] @[05:04:38pm] [Quit: Leaving]
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=== (nick\change) UnHoLy|Skewl

=== (mode\#domsquad) ChanServ[ChanServ@Services.EnterTheGame.Com] sets mode (+o XtremeBain)
[ADrenaline] mlkjhkhgfhgfjh
=== (part\#domsquad) XtremeBain[XtremeBain@d202-ch101h1-chtw-pdi.attcanada.net] @[07:19:20pm]
[DIE] yo
[DIE] at least you know what youre doing adren, give me a guitar and ill just smash it over erics head
[ADrenaline] lol
[FuRRy] hey man
[DIE] ey yo
[DIE] hey
[DIE] see, what the hell was that fury?
[DIE] you say hey man and then you're gone
=== (signoff\#domsquad) FuRRy[pimp@nic-c29-097.mw.mediaone.net] @[07:26:52pm] [Connection reset by peer]
=== (join\#domsquad) FuRRy[pimp@nic-c29-097.mw.mediaone.net] @[07:28:57pm]
=== (mode\#domsquad) RoyaLBlooD[royalblood@ro04-204-210-184-47.ce.mediaone.net] sets mode (+o FuRRy)
=== (mode\#domsquad) ChanServ[ChanServ@Services.EnterTheGame.Com] sets mode (+o FuRRy)
[ADrenaline] ddfdggghghghsgf
[ADrenaline] sup eric
[ADrenaline] heroin is good for the bloodstream
=== (nick\change) UnHoLy|BW

Drenaline] hmm
[ADrenaline] crack worked for me
=== (signoff\#domsquad) ADrenaline[Bobb@ppp83-pax.sonnet.com] @[10:37:18pm] [Quit: So ashes to ashes, dust to dust, I'm going to burn this whole place down... (

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