Wednesday, July 30, 2008

DOM Website (re)Launched

I finally finished the tedious job of going through all the old matches and renaming/organizing them, as well as the other pages that were part of the DOM websites over the years. I have compiled them together and uploaded them to a website. It's far from done, but I have the majority of it up. So check it out.

The DOMsquad Clan Website

I will be switching all static DOM-related information to that site and using this blog for opinions and comments and other more blog-like things. I plan to use this blog as a precursor for any future DP or DOM memoirs that I get around to writing. So I hope to keep regularly updating this blog with my reminiscences of DOM.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Random Moments in #domsquad (volume 5)

Some conversation between our Detroit half of the clan. One of the strange things about a clan founded by two people from Chicagoland is that the majority of the guild would be made up by Detroitlanders. Ironically, later when I was in a WoW raiding guild, there were also a number of Detroit-area members too. They seem to be attracted to me! It was cool though. Our one great folly was that we never organized and had a DOMCON - seeing as how 90% of the clan was within 300 miles of each other. Out of our main members, vj was from Texas, near San Antonio if I remember, while Adren was out in Cali, near Sacramento I believe.] @[08:55:05pm] [Quit: Leaving]
[FuRRy] thoght you left dude
[DIE] i didnt
[DIE] now i did
[DIE] time to kill on pimpwar
[DIE] mmmm like 2100 thug
[DIE] mmmmmmmm bedazled
[DIE] booya
[DIE] mmmmm 2250
[DIE] you wont mind if i start a clan war will ya]
=== (join\#domsquad) vj[] @[09:01:36pm]
=== (mode\#domsquad) RoyaLBlooD[] sets mode (+o vj)
=== (mode\#domsquad) ChanServ[ChanServ@Services.EnterTheGame.Com] sets mode (+o vj)
[DIE] i have my own small army
=== (join\#domsquad) UnHoLy[CoP_KiLLa@] @[09:03:03pm]
[DIE] 4363
[UnHoLy] :o)
[DIE] this is so lame i fuq this guy up and everyone stole his freakin low riders b4 i could
[DIE] 170 of em
[UnHoLy] wtf are you talkin about?
[DIE] yupo
[DIE] and that the second time thats happened
[UnHoLy] lol
[DIE] hmm i need something to do
[DIE] too cold out to play with matched and ping pong balls, hmmm
[DIE] to dark to do anything outside ctually
ù DIE reconsiders
=== (join\#domsquad) LtBear[] @[09:10:00pm]
=== (mode\#domsquad) RoyaLBlooD[] sets mode (+o LtBear)
=== (mode\#domsquad) ChanServ[ChanServ@Services.EnterTheGame.Com] sets mode (+o LtBear)
[DIE] i always had those loud as fuq fireworks, i wonder if annoying the shit out of my neighbors would be fun
[LtBear] HELP
[LtBear] John
[DIE] are you the bear?
[LtBear] um sure
[LtBear] if u say so
[LtBear] JOHN!!!!
[LtBear] whatever
[LtBear] JOHN
[DIE] you go to grvoes?
[LtBear] yes
[DIE] john currently labeled; idlerific
[LtBear] nooooo
[DIE] whatcha need/
[FuRRy] boooobb
[FuRRy] did you call..
[LtBear] a Phone #
[FuRRy] er bob
[DIE] boob
[LtBear] nobody answered
[FuRRy] oh
[LtBear] ahhhhhh
[FuRRy] damn
[FuRRy] when i get some money im going so much
[LtBear] yea, dude i gotta go, if u here anything, or find it out... call ( any time tonight) and if i'm not here tell my mom or somethin
[DIE] hear?
[FuRRy] k
[LtBear] k peace
[LtBear] thnx
=== (signoff\#domsquad) LtBear[] @[09:14:24pm] [Quit: [ • AfterMath v1.5 • ] by |-MeRLiN-|]
=== (signoff\#domsquad) UnHoLy[CoP_KiLLa@] @[09:18:44pm] [Ping timeout]
=== (join\#domsquad) UnHoLy[CoP_KiLLa@] @[09:20:00pm]
=== (join\#domsquad) SpyDre[] @[09:21:57pm]
=== (nick\change) DIE

Random Moments in #paintball (volume 4)

[R4ZZ] how do i open it
[R4ZZ] it's open a bit
[R4ZZ] but i use the *use* control
[R4ZZ] ?
[Verminaal] uhm... the key to use stuff
[R4ZZ] never opens
[Verminaal] huh...
[R4ZZ] the door won't open
[R4ZZ] i push the use button
[Verminaal] you try both side?
[R4ZZ] only one side has a door
[R4ZZ] it's open a bit
[R4ZZ] so i hit the use button hoping it would open and ahhhhh
[R4ZZ] it won't
[Verminaal] uhm... bizzare
[R4ZZ] i know
[R4ZZ] it's like i'm stuck now
[R4ZZ] ahhh
[R4ZZ] ok thx
[Verminaal] well if i install it i'll tell you
[Verminaal] damn so much i
[Verminaal] does it say anything when you try to open it?
=== (signoff\#paintball) Verminaal[] @[12:07:51pm] [Quit: Leaving]
=== (join\#paintball) NetBungWork[] @[12:18:15pm]
=== (part\#paintball) NetBungWork[] @[12:25:03pm]
=== (signoff\#paintball) Donk|BreakingintohisCar[] @[12:48:25pm] [Quit: This is the end. - (E)volution v.7.0 Final - Http://]
=== (join\#paintball) Verminaal[] @[01:00:02pm]
[Verminaal] lol jits
[Verminaal] is it normal that when you play all color become psycotic?
[Verminaal] and that the wall can be a blue player and a blue player a wall?
[jitspoe] heh, if you have gl_nobind 1, yeah
[jitspoe] usually that makes everything the same texture tho
[Verminaal] nah everything was okay
[Verminaal] and BANG!
[Verminaal] i have screenshot
[Verminaal] wanna see?
[Cookie] New stats are out! (!stats for next update)
=== (join\#paintball) MuLLeT[] @[01:16:17pm]
=== (signoff\#paintball) Cookie[] @[01:26:24pm] [Ping timeout]
*** Disconnected from
=== (join\#paintball) royal[royalblood@] @[01:26:56pm]

ncap it later
=== (join\#paintball) Mall[] @[05:36:38pm]
[Zimbu] the uncapping instructions i found sounded bogus though =P
[Zimbu] take the cable line
[Mall] :)
=== (join\#paintball) MDK[] @[05:36:49pm]
[Antilles] lol
[Zimbu] there's a black rubber thing covering a pin
[Zimbu] that's the "cap". take it off.
[Antilles] Zimbu: uncap it, if you wouldnt mind going to court
[Zimbu] pfft, i wouldnt mind, it's my parents who would be going to court =P
[Antilles] haha
[Zimbu] i could see myself testifying
[Zimbu] "Mr. Zimbu, did you ever even think of uncapping your cable?"
[Zimbu] "...yes"
[Zimbu] "Why?"
[Antilles] haha
[Zimbu] "So i could make my w4r3z go faster."
[Antilles] hahaha
[Antilles] get busted for 2 things at once
[Zimbu] [17:59:40] [sparc] can you have half life auto-reconnect to a server?
[Zimbu] [17:59:42] [sparc] if its busy?
[Zimbu] [17:59:50] [Zimbu] i dont have halflife
[Zimbu] [17:59:57] [Zimbu] so no, i cant =P
[Zimbu] eek
[Zimbu] my whole uncapping defense would be that since all the jurors are computer illiterate (all jurors/judges are always computer illiterate and have no idea what the fuck anything is about, which explains the microsoft ruling), just confuse the living fuck out of them
[Antilles] lol
[Mallrat] what happens when the judge says "You will explain in laymens terms..."
[Zimbu] i'd change a word or two
[Zimbu] or say "SCREW J00"
=== (signoff\#paintball) Herb[] @[05:42:05pm] [Ping timeout]
=== (join\#paintball) Herb--[] @[05:42:08pm]
[Zimbu] and then i'd start breaking out and singing
[Zimbu] "ooooooooooooOO Zenki Powa"
[Mallrat] if you cant make it so that they understand the judge could concievably call you in contempt of court or some shit...
[Antilles] lol
[Antilles] than zimbu is free to go :)
[MDK] lol
[Mallrat] to jail, yea
[Antilles] hehe
[Mallrat] some hardass judge says, tell me what it means or i will anally rape j00 h0m0
[Zimbu] it worked in the microsoft ruling
[Antilles] "Mallrat made me do it"
[Zimbu] microsoft's not a fucking monopoly
[Mallrat] haha
[Zimbu] big != monopoly
[Zimbu] if microsoft is a monopoly than so is AOL, Time Warner, McDonald's, and the state of Florida
[Antilles] big !!!!!!@!@!@@@@!@@!@!@= monopoly
[Mallrat] no, but they were using practices that would make them a monopoly soon
=== (signoff\#paintball) pak9[~ya@] @[05:44:22pm] [Quit: »¡« Scøøp Script 2000 »!« get yours copy at ]
[Antilles] alaska is a monopoly, its big
[Zimbu] like?
[Zimbu] the funny thing is
=== (join\#paintball) pak9[] @[05:44:29pm]
[Zimbu] not one actual EXAMPLE was given
[Zimbu] they just said "You're big. Guilty."
[Zimbu] like that Dilbert comic strip =)
=== (join\#paintball) Herb[] @[05:45:09pm]
[Zimbu] "We award Dogbert with $400 million because we hate big companies and like little dogs with floppy ears. We also award Juror Mindy a maytag dryer for being 'Best Dressed'"
=== (signoff\#paintball) Herb--[] @[05:46:23pm] [Ping timeout]
=== (signoff\#paintball) CreDawg[] @[05:47:54pm] [Quit: |DOMsquad Script 2000 By: Team Skills #skills|]
=== (join\#Paintball) DirtyDozen[] @[05:48:01pm]
[Zimbu] Hail thee fine sir, how may thou'st be on this fine day?
[Antilles] hehe z
[Zimbu] shh, stop being OOC
[Antilles] sorry
[Zimbu] hmm
[Zimbu] im gonna get EQ
[Zimbu] and then speak in l33tsp34k
[Zimbu] only in character =)
[Zimbu] h41l +h33 f1n3 s1r
=== (join\#PaintBall) FraGGa[] @[05:52:06pm]
[Antilles] 57fu Z1mbu y0u l053r
=== (signoff\#paintball) Blue[] @[05:55:48pm] [Connection reset by peer]
=== (signoff\#paintball) Mall[] @[05:55:57pm] [Quit: [x]chat]
=== (join\#paintball) Four[~webmaster@] @[06:00:18pm]
=== (join\#paintball) MyKILL[] @[06:00:39pm]
[Four] does anyone know the clan SR?
[MyKILL] !maps
=== (signoff\#paintball) MyKILL[] @[06:01:40pm] [Quit: »¡« Scøøp Script 2000 »!« get yours copy at ]
=== (join\#paintball) Two[Imanaz@] @[06:04:35pm]
ù XtremeBain is away, busy [log:ON] [page:ON]
=== (mode\#paintball) Fembot[] sets mode (-b *!*
[Four] who knows clan sr????
[Antilles] sr is my husband
=== (signoff\#paintball) Eraser|DP[] @[06:06:07pm] [Ping timeout]
=== (join\#paintball) Twelve[mader@] @[06:06:11pm]
[Four] come on, some one has to know clan SR
[Four] what a bunch of dead heads
=== (nick\change) FraGGa