Saturday, July 19, 2008

Random Moments in #paintball (volume 3)

So I think I was in the middle of some conversation about typical match and clan sizes in DP at the time. Most clans were very small and constantly changed. Most of these clans played 2v2 and claimed them as legit matches (DOM did too, but only because everyone else did - but we didn't do that many and we tried very hard to only match 3-3 or higher.) I even noticed 1v1 matches being counted in clan win totals. So the comment I was making was probably about how these spur-of-the-moment, 3-person clans who match 2v2 and 1v1 aren't real clans nor real matches. They certainly don't compare to clans who regularly match 4v4. Playing in a small map 2v2 requires almost no skill or teamwork on your part - it ends up being mostly luck or who has the least lag. But playing 4v4 or more on a larger map requires actual teamwork on each clans part. This was a typical point of contention between DOM and the majority of DP during those days.

[R4ZZ] i'll tell yaa
[Antilles] lol
[Antilles] (R4ZZ): it is hard and long
[R4ZZ] you meet me in real pball
[Antilles] hah hahn
[RoyaLBlooD] but i know some ppl are using them as matches
[BoPo] but why does that make dp have less people ?
[Fembot] thsi is a TEAM mod
[RoyaLBlooD] no point in having teams if you dont play as a team in matches
[RoyaLBlooD] if you dont need teams, you dont need a lot of ppl
[BoPo] oh right right got ya
[BoPo] dp makes me mad
[RoyaLBlooD] a lot of ppl dont play any more cuz they are disgusted about that
[BoPo] everyone is CAMPER NOW
[RoyaLBlooD] ppl thinking they are so bad cuz they can spam a lot of kills
[RoyaLBlooD] can do ok in a 1v1 or a 2v2 match
[Wishy] nous possédons la lune
[BoPo] even hwole clans camp out whole matches and it makes it so noring and i dont care iof its a legal stradegy it make the mod gay
[RoyaLBlooD] but cant do shit except complain if you try to do a 4v4
=== (signoff\#paintball) mYsTiCaL[] @[04:35:02pm] [Connection reset by peer]
[BoPo] 4v4's kick fucking ass
=== (join\#paintball) mYsTiCaL[] @[04:36:53pm]
[Wishy] anything under 4v4 should be called a match
[BoPo] wtf are you talking about
[Antilles] SHOULDNT
[BoPo] where is everyone
[mYsTiCaL] why not
[mYsTiCaL] is should be considered a match
[Antilles] anything under 4v4 takes no skill
[BoPo] people in dp jump too high and run too fast
[BoPo] it should be slowewr moveing
=== (join\#paintball) R4ZZ[] @[04:41:55pm]
[Antilles] yes bopo
[Antilles] i told cal to do that
[BoPo] me too
[Antilles] wouldnt that be cool if, when you fall and it makes the CRUNCH sound, you drop your gun and some paint and other stuff
[BoPo] it should move like cs
[Antilles] thatd be funny
[BoPo] hmmm i dont know
[R4ZZ] are you still talking about thsat anti
[BoPo] maybe if you lost a little paint it would be good
[Antilles] hehhe razz
[RoyaLBlooD] well thats more differences in games
[Antilles] drop your gun
[R4ZZ] :)
[Antilles] yes rb
[RoyaLBlooD] half life is naturally slower than quake2
[Antilles] and more realistic
[Antilles] who the hell can jump over paint?
[BoPo] guns should float in mid air ya know
[BoPo] shouldnt i mean
[Antilles] yeah
[R4ZZ] you cn't in HL
[BoPo] slow movement requires beter aim and patience
[BoPo] its goood
[RoyaLBlooD] half life is more realistic yah, but it loses a lot of funness due to that
[BoPo] no
=== (join\#paintball) DPsurfer[~java@] @[04:44:01pm]
[Antilles] no
[Antilles] it lasts longer
[BoPo] then why is CS the most played mod ever
[RoyaLBlooD] at the same time you can say, aiming while running requires skill
=== (signoff\#paintball) DPsurfer[~java@] @[04:44:18pm] [Quit: Leaving]
[BoPo] not in dp when you have 300 piant and you odnt have to reload
[Antilles] HL is the most played online game
[BoPo] so people just randomly spray and get kills
=== (join\#paintball) DPsurfer[~java@] @[04:44:51pm]
[][-INsaNE-][] u don't reload in real paintball
[R4ZZ] CS isn't that great
[][-INsaNE-][] why should u in dp
[mYsTiCaL] yea
=== (part\#paintball) DPsurfer[~java@] @[04:45:14pm]
[RoyaLBlooD] yah, cs is probably the most overrated mod
[R4ZZ] you reload in pball
[RoyaLBlooD] its definately good, but its not really that fun
[BoPo] yeha but in real paintball you dont find paint on the ghrpound so otyu conserver idiot
[][-INsaNE-][] when ur outta paint
[R4ZZ] i guess you don'y shoot enough bub
[Antilles] and how can you empty c02, and pick up a c02 and it fills it up
[R4ZZ] lol
[R4ZZ] well you have to remember
[R4ZZ] i imagine
[Wishy] i wannnnnnnnnaaaaa be a anarchy
[R4ZZ] it is hard and long
[Antilles] its impossible to make a realistic game
[RoyaLBlooD] i like how ppl complain about camping in almost every mod
[Antilles] (R4ZZ): it is hard and long [- GROSS RAZZ
[R4ZZ] process to implement all those things
[BoPo] wishy goi bake to england
[RoyaLBlooD] yet they love a mod like cs which IS camping
[R4ZZ] lol
[][-INsaNE-][] lol
[Wishy] in the city
[R4ZZ] it is hard and long
[R4ZZ] process to implement all those things
[R4ZZ] :)
[R4ZZ] sheesh
[BoPo] royal good cs players dont camp
ù Antilles randomly plays

[R4ZZ] your ass will not be coming out in the open
[BoPo] sex pistols blow english nut sac
[Wishy] u suck
[R4ZZ] now are you a camper
[mYsTiCaL] RAP kicks ASS
[R4ZZ] there are no camper in pball
ù ][-INsaNE-][ --] I'm playing -[ Cypress Hill - Hits From The Bong.mp3 ]- | [] INsaNE MP3 []
[Wishy] sex pistols own your fruit boot music
[Wishy] whore
[BoPo] thats a good song right there
[mYsTiCaL] yea baby sweet music
[][-INsaNE-][] 8)
[R4ZZ] i've played real pball almost as long as some of you's been born
[BoPo] i dont listen to too much rap any more though
[mYsTiCaL] m etoo
[][-INsaNE-][] how long would that be
[R4ZZ] ahhh i started in 1985
[RoyaLBlooD] i dont think anyone wants to here you r4zz
[Antilles] i was born than
[Antilles] hehe
[R4ZZ] ahh rb
[R4ZZ] fu
ù Antilles randomly plays

Jballz Dominating Sandtrap

Here are some screenshots of Jballz dominating a DP session on the map Sandtrap. This map was a DP favorite because of it's small size and simple layout, which allowed for high kill totals, even by those who aren't any good. To get a high kill score while having very low deaths, as Jballz demonstrated here, takes skill.

I am also going to act as commentator on these screenshots and pretend that I know what is happening. At the very least, it will make the post more interesting.

We see Jballz get's off to a quick start, scoring 11 kills to 0 deaths within the first three minutes. His team is up 6-0 as well, no doubt, carried almost entirely by him. Given the score, and the fact that Jballz had 1 grab, it has likely been 4 rounds completed so far. Rounds complete fast in Sandtrap. Note that Sharon from clan XP is on the other team and represents Jballz main competition.

Jballz continues to dominate and lead his team, now up 13-4. The other team even has more players to try to balance the skill between the two teams, but it doesn't seem to be working. The only affect has been to pad Jballz kill total. Note that Sharon from XP isn't playing too well.

Now I am not sure what the original intention of this screenshot was. But I can guess. I imagine it was to show Sharon from XP quitting not even half way through the map because of poor play. Sharon was supposedly a great player, but really only seemed to put up high kill totals against newbs on small maps like this one. The fact that he or she was so thoroughly destroyed against a legitimately skilled player that it made him or her quit so quickly was maybe amusing to mr. Jballz. Just a guess.

And naturally, we conclude with the final score. Jballz is head and shoulders above everyone else with an impressive personal score of 75-15, which is an 83.3% efficiency rating or 5-1 kill/death ratio. Given the apparent team size, that means that for every round, Jballz pretty much took out the entire opposing team himself. For whatever reason he is on the red team now instead of the blue team which he was on in the other three screenshots. Maybe he was trying to help even the teams and make red come back. Given how lop-sided the score is though, he must have did this very late and not had a chance.

Overall nice performance by Jballz. Granted it seems most of these players were chumps, but for at least the first nine minutes, there was at least one, supposedly, good player in Sharon on the opposing team, thus it should have been even. But it wasn't and Jballz dominated. Not surprising since this is what DOM did in those days. Nice to still have documentation to prove that these days. Hope I can find more.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Random Moments in #domsquad (volume 3)

Interesting thing about this excerpt is that it includes a statement about opening the log file at both date and time - the first I have noticed of any specific mentions of a date. The date, which I bolded in the text, is given as Oct 20, 2000. This was during our TFC days.

[XCoNvicT] yep
[XCoNvicT] what kind of beatz you makin
[RoyaLBlooD] something phat and psycho
[XCoNvicT] "phat" ?
[XCoNvicT] too broad
[XCoNvicT] let me ask you....
[XCoNvicT] what are you doin right now
[RoyaLBlooD] talking to you
[RoyaLBlooD] waiting for ppl to get situated and come over
[XCoNvicT] it seems like a great deal of lag from me talkin and you talkin
[XCoNvicT] whos comin over
[RoyaLBlooD] not sure
[XCoNvicT] what occasion
[RoyaLBlooD] mark, joel, mike for sure
[RoyaLBlooD] maybe Paul and ruth
[XCoNvicT] lol
[RoyaLBlooD] maybe the rest of Mikes band
[RoyaLBlooD] thats probably it at the most
[XCoNvicT] you went out with ruth.....
[XCoNvicT] lol
[XCoNvicT] damn this cookie is gummy
[XCoNvicT] too many chews'
[RoyaLBlooD] i hope you got NHL 2001, cuz im gunna totally dominate
[XCoNvicT] for the ps2 I am
[RoyaLBlooD] its godly
[RoyaLBlooD] you can even make your own graphics for created players
[RoyaLBlooD] so you could try to make your own face
[XCoNvicT] Madden, SSX, Timesplitters, and Star Wars Starfighter
[XCoNvicT] well for PS2 also
[XCoNvicT] you just need digi cam
[RoyaLBlooD] we'll see, PS2 is looking like it might be a big dissapointment from a gaming perspective
[XCoNvicT] I'll have at least 10 games for PS2 by the year end
[XCoNvicT] well, I don't see how
[XCoNvicT] PS2 only has the best launch in history
[XCoNvicT] 28 games
[XCoNvicT] and about 10 of them are really good
[RoyaLBlooD] but the games sold like shit actually
[RoyaLBlooD] in japan that is
[RoyaLBlooD] system sold good, games sold terrible
[XCoNvicT] well thas Japan
[XCoNvicT] so did Dreamcast games
[RoyaLBlooD] PS2 will be successfull no doubt
[XCoNvicT] and N64 sold horribly over at first
[RoyaLBlooD] but more cuz of its DVD capabilties
[XCoNvicT] yah, but you have Madden which looks gorgeous
[XCoNvicT] SSX which is the best snowboarding game of all-time
[RoyaLBlooD] for now, yah
[XCoNvicT] and tony hawk, gran turismo
[XCoNvicT] medalgear
[RoyaLBlooD] thats over a year away
[XCoNvicT] so....
[RoyaLBlooD] year without delays, which you know it will have a lot of delays
[XCoNvicT] its awesome
[XCoNvicT] nah
[RoyaLBlooD] i wouldnt doubt it if it takes 2 years
[XCoNvicT] it'll be out fall- 2001
[RoyaLBlooD] cuz the PS2 is a bitch to develop for
[XCoNvicT] it's already playable
[XCoNvicT] that it is...
[XCoNvicT] but....
[RoyaLBlooD] and since gamecube would be coming out around when MGS2 comes out, they would want to make sure MGS2 is at its bst
[RoyaLBlooD] so itll get delayed to make sure its awesome
[XCoNvicT] people will find actually how powerful it is
[RoyaLBlooD] its not really all that powerfull though
[XCoNvicT] gamcube....
[XCoNvicT] garbage
[RoyaLBlooD] some parts of N64 are more powerfull than PS2
[XCoNvicT] I like Xbox and PS2
[XCoNvicT] no....
[RoyaLBlooD] N64 anti-aliasing engine is a lot better than PS2
[XCoNvicT] no it's not...
[RoyaLBlooD] so PS2 graphics suffer a lot of zig-zagging
[XCoNvicT] it just takes gettin used to
[RoyaLBlooD] yah it is
[RoyaLBlooD] the PS2 anti-aliasing is almost non-existant
[XCoNvicT] because it got too strong components
[XCoNvicT] no it isn't
[RoyaLBlooD] wait till you get it
[XCoNvicT] have you read anything
[RoyaLBlooD] yes
[RoyaLBlooD] dreamcast is way better
[RoyaLBlooD] PS2 totally sucks in that area
[XCoNvicT] nope Dead or alive has full screen anti-aliasing
[RoyaLBlooD] Tekken Tag Tourny has really really bad aliasing
[RoyaLBlooD] full by PS2 standards
[RoyaLBlooD] thats what im saying, they cheaped out on that
[RoyaLBlooD] they recognize their anti-aliasing as something else
[RoyaLBlooD] they define it different, they way they do it isnt good
[XCoNvicT] madden
[XCoNvicT] ssx
[XCoNvicT] look at star wars
[XCoNvicT] it's just the first games are suffering, mainly the japaneese games
[XCoNvicT] no
[RoyaLBlooD] well dreamcast would suffer too in its first round of games
[RoyaLBlooD] but Dreamcast's first round of games are a lot smoother than PS2's
[RoyaLBlooD] cuz it has better anti-aliasing, heh
[RoyaLBlooD] PS2 has outstanding CGI elements
[RoyaLBlooD] half their previews are of that
[XCoNvicT] dreamcast is easier to develope for
[XCoNvicT] yah
[XCoNvicT] but PS2 is better
[XCoNvicT] just wait
[RoyaLBlooD] id say PS2 is better only cuz its not sega
[RoyaLBlooD] but Gamecube will so own all of them
[XCoNvicT] I have dreamcast
[XCoNvicT] and NFL2k1 isn't even close to Madden
=== (join\#domsquad) PonYPoweR[] @[03:37:11pm]
[RoyaLBlooD] PS2 has a lot of advanced new technolgies in its engine
[RoyaLBlooD] but powerwise, its not all that more than N64 was
=== (signoff\#domsquad) XCoNvicT[~java@] @[03:37:35pm] [Connection reset by peer]
[RoyaLBlooD] same amount of video ram, anti-aliasing its about the same
=== (join\#domsquad) XCoNvicT[~java@] @[03:37:37pm]
=== (part\#domsquad) PonYPoweR[] @[03:37:41pm]
[RoyaLBlooD] same amount of video ram, anti-aliasing its about the same
[XCoNvicT] nick/ XCoNvicT
[XCoNvicT] lol
[XCoNvicT] you reapested that
[RoyaLBlooD] you pinged out before i said it
[XCoNvicT] hey ...
[XCoNvicT] PS2 is wayyy better
[XCoNvicT] N64 is blurry
[XCoNvicT] overdone in anti-aliasing
[XCoNvicT] thas why
[XCoNvicT] the system memory is more N64
[XCoNvicT] *than
[RoyaLBlooD] not the video memory though
[RoyaLBlooD] both 4 megs
[XCoNvicT] ok...the Vram isn't enough but thas just for the textures
[XCoNvicT] and the textures I saw so far are top notch
[RoyaLBlooD] yah they are
[RoyaLBlooD] but they dont run smoothly, thats the main thing
[XCoNvicT] it still has raw pollygon muscle
[XCoNvicT] -l
[RoyaLBlooD] on the games with a lot of action, youll see the problem
[XCoNvicT] nah
[XCoNvicT] Dynasty Warriors has about 10 people on screen at once
[XCoNvicT] and it run 60 fps
[XCoNvicT] smooth
[XCoNvicT] so....thas impressive
[RoyaLBlooD] animation is smooth
[RoyaLBlooD] polys are jagged thouhg
[RoyaLBlooD] compared to the same level machines
[RoyaLBlooD] Dreamcast, Gamebox
[XCoNvicT] the bouncer has about 8 people at once with alot of polys and effects
[XCoNvicT] Dreamcast has some games that PS2 has also
[XCoNvicT] and PS2 looks better
[XCoNvicT] dualshock is arguably the best controller of all-time
[XCoNvicT] and the expandabilty is great
[XCoNvicT] Hard-drive possibly a memory add-on
[RoyaLBlooD] exactly
[RoyaLBlooD] PS2 has a lot of technology, too much
[RoyaLBlooD] developers hate it already
[XCoNvicT] uhm....whereas Nintendo is goin for the conventional gaming experience
[RoyaLBlooD] itll be successfull till Gamecube, then itll be like a SNES vs Genesis thing
[XCoNvicT] well....they'll love once they can tap into it
[RoyaLBlooD] thats what Nintendo said about N64...
[XCoNvicT] well genesis out sold nintendo
[XCoNvicT] and playstation
[RoyaLBlooD] no
[RoyaLBlooD] playstation sold the most of them
[XCoNvicT] and even though N64 came afterwards it still lost
[XCoNvicT] N64 was almost 3-times as powerful as the PS
[RoyaLBlooD] but hard to develop for
[XCoNvicT] and it still lost
[RoyaLBlooD] now its reversed
[RoyaLBlooD] PS2 is the bitch to work with, Gamecube is the one everyone will love to develop on
[XCoNvicT] well, only thing is this
[XCoNvicT] Nintendo are after the pre-teen market
[XCoNvicT] no DVD
[XCoNvicT] no plans for internet
[XCoNvicT] no EA
[RoyaLBlooD] actually they have the most original and created ideas planned
[RoyaLBlooD] with the gameboy advanced and all
[XCoNvicT] they do, I agree
[XCoNvicT] Nintendo is heavy on game development
[RoyaLBlooD] they also have a better disc
[XCoNvicT] no....
[RoyaLBlooD] DVD holds more, thats all
[XCoNvicT] how's it better
[RoyaLBlooD] the disc they are using is expected to be the new standard
[XCoNvicT] well correct
[XCoNvicT] no....
[XCoNvicT] how
[RoyaLBlooD] well thats what the industry is already thinking
[RoyaLBlooD] its more compact
[XCoNvicT] more room is what you want
[RoyaLBlooD] nintendos disc is plenty of room
[XCoNvicT] so you don't need that much compact for the house
[XCoNvicT] unless it's for portable
[RoyaLBlooD] its for both
[RoyaLBlooD] home system and portable
[RoyaLBlooD] might be cheaper too i think
[XCoNvicT] well at home you could use records or fuckin laser discs
[RoyaLBlooD] im not sure though
[RoyaLBlooD] you could but you would be stupid to use something like a laser disc, that was such a bust
[XCoNvicT] you don't need anything small
[RoyaLBlooD] no one wants a huge disc
[XCoNvicT] Im just sayin about the size
[XCoNvicT] just an example
[XCoNvicT] at the crib, cd size it compact enough
[XCoNvicT] you don't mini disc and all this other shit
[XCoNvicT] unless it has more storage space
[XCoNvicT] but if I have a DVD which is already compact
[XCoNvicT] and it holds more than 3 -times the space
[XCoNvicT] I'd choose DVD everytime
[XCoNvicT] DVD isnt goin anywhere
[RoyaLBlooD] SNES outsold Genesis by the way
[RoyaLBlooD] just wanted to point that out
[XCoNvicT] well genesis was known as the own hero then
[RoyaLBlooD] it came out first thats all
[XCoNvicT] gave Nintendo a run for its money
[RoyaLBlooD] ppl got it first and some ppl chose to remain loyal to it no matter what
[XCoNvicT] and....Nintendo come to find out, started that whole violence in gaming shit in congress
[XCoNvicT] so it could slow down the genesis
[XCoNvicT] they were so scared
[XCoNvicT] thas why I don't like Nintendo
[RoyaLBlooD] cuz they actually make quality without needing to resort to cheap tactics
[XCoNvicT] they're like the geeks that call the police after you haze em
[RoyaLBlooD] stuff like resident evil, mortal kombat, etc
[XCoNvicT] actually thas a cheap tactic
[RoyaLBlooD] popular purely cuz of the blood parts
[XCoNvicT] well RE was that bad
[RoyaLBlooD] they would have been popular no matter what, but not as much
[XCoNvicT] mortal Kombat 1 and 2 were good
[XCoNvicT] anyways the point is......Sony is awesome
[RoyaLBlooD] and stupid at the same time
[XCoNvicT] they were rookies in the game and blew the bootz off Sega and Nintendo
[XCoNvicT] easily
[RoyaLBlooD] biggest reason PSX was successfull is cuz N64 was a bitch to work with so developers got fed up and left
[RoyaLBlooD] now they go and make a system even harder to develop for than N64 was
[XCoNvicT] they kinda got too far in tech department
[XCoNvicT] thas alright
[RoyaLBlooD] DVD player is a smart move
[RoyaLBlooD] lots of ppl will get it just for that
[XCoNvicT] because the middleware will handle that
[RoyaLBlooD] the system is gunna sell like hell
[XCoNvicT] well of course
[RoyaLBlooD] but the games i dont see them moving as well as Gamecube's will eventually
[XCoNvicT] tha swhy developer will stay with the system
[XCoNvicT] hey matt I'll BB in 10 minutes we'll finish this discussion
=== (signoff\#domsquad) XCoNvicT[~java@] @[04:00:02pm] [Quit: Leaving]
Log Opened: Fri Oct 20 16:10:01 2000
=== (join\#domsquad) RoyaLBlooD[] @[04:10:02pm]

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Some DOMsquad Logo

This is more or less a test for inserting graphics. This was a logo that we used at one time. Don't ask me when we used it - some time in the April 2000-July 2000 era I would guess - but if I remember correctly, vj made it.

I have a lot of screenshots of match results as well as some other interesting screenshots and some various graphics to share in the upcoming weeks. Much too many to host here, so I'll have to find somewhere to host them all. More importantly though, I have to manually go through them all and rename them. With some effort I could match them up with the match results and kinda-sorta recreate a full match history.

Finally, here is some other DOM logo, that I think was created for the clan by someone in the clan (not sure if it was also vj or someone else's attempt) that I am certain we did not actually use. It certainly doesn't seem familiar enough to me to have been something we used anyhow.

Clan Members

I wanted to list all the members that were part of the clan some where. I have a list of every member in the clan (which should be at least 99% right), but that isn't all that useful or interesting. There were many eras during the history of the clan: when we were just getting started, when we were matching almost every day, when we were the best clan in DP, when we weren't so good, etc. And not every member was equal in contribution to the clan. Some members were regularly matching every day while others only made it 10% of the time. Some members were in the clan for months and years while others were in it for a week. So it is more interesting, at least to me, to acknowledge the different eras of the clan and who were the main members associated with those eras. I would love to list the exact dates of membership for everyone, but that would be impossible for many reasons. In any case, here are the members that made up the DOM clan (and it's RiP predecessor).

RiP (precursor to DOM)

Other RiP Members:
ICP, Babyruth, JoJo, Violent-J, KDog, DogSoldier, Daisaku, Robit, Crazy8, Antigov, SoulBlighter, Carcoal, Spy109, Mr.Coffee, Soultaker, Prophet, Bradley-GZ-, CyberPredator, X-pac, SS, Renagade, Dr.Killemoff, Renegade, DogChow, Sunspot, Mayhem, Wiesco, Zombie

DOM - Beginning (May 1999 - August 1999)

DOM - Middle Ages (September 1999 - February 2000)

DOM - 1st Unretirement (April 2000 - July 2000)
vj (formerly Violent-J)

DOM - TFC/CS (August 2000 - ?? 2001)

DOM - 2nd Unretirement (April 2004 - June 2004)

Other Members (DP only)
Wiesco, Braendead, Wvsoulja, Stalker, Rokan, Wintermarine, Verminaal, Dobe

The thing about DOM though is that it was more than just a matching clan, we were also friends and spent hours chatting on IRC every day. We enjoyed talking about sports, music, other games, etc. Even after DOM ended, I still played Anarchy Online, World of Warcraft, and Age of Conan with Fury. It was a family atmosphere. We argued and bickered a lot, but never in a way where any of the "essential" members got angry with one another. We also did not have any cumbersome leadership roles or any special rules. I trusted all our essential members to set and accept matches as if they were clan leaders. We were all equals.

So to me, DOM was two parts - one the competitive part that matched other clans and held one of the best (real and provable, at that time at least) records in DP of its time and the other family and friends part. To have been an essential member of DOM, in my mind, was to have been essential in both areas.

To that end, and I hesitate to even do this because it might upset someone... actually barely anyone is going to be reading this anyway so I don't care. These are the absolute essential DOM members - the members that made DOM special, the members that immediately come to mind when I think about DOM, and the members that, should we be able to "come back" yet again in full force, that I would ideally want back. This is DOM!

Absolute-Special-Essentials of DOM
Royalblood (Founder, main organizer, example-setter, unofficial-but-generally-acknowledged-leader)
Polishplaya/Methane (Co-founder and unofficial 2nd-in-command during his time)
Adrenaline (The guy that at times was not able to match as regularly as he would like, but who was always a blast to chat with online)
Fury (Arguably DOM's most skilled and active)
Jballz (Essential part of DOM's glory days when we were without-doubt the best clan in DP)
vj (Been with me in both RiP and DOM)

This is meant as no offense to any other former DOM members who were left off the list. These are just the most active and longest lasting members, with whom we formed a special bond together during our playing days.

Mission Statements and Codes of Conduct

There were several incarnations of the DOM website over the years, probably as many as five. As a result, there were also different incarnations of our mission statement, code of conduct, and other similar information. The following is three separate "Information" pages in chronological order from earliest to latest. As you can see each one built upon the previous one so that the final one contained the most information and was the most polished.


Mission: DOM is a competitive clan that will put good sportsmanship and having fun above wins and loses by playing as a team and working together to improve each members skills.

Foundation: DOM was founded by RoyaLBlood and PolishPlaya around May 7, 1999. Both of them have considerable Digital Paint experience. Royal and Polish founded the RIP clan and were major members of other clans as well as helping the Digital Paint community by participating/hosting tourneys and assisting a hand in how to play the game through their web site The Paintstop. DOM was created as redemption for Royal because of what happened to RIP.

IRC Channel: You can find us in #DOM on Check us out if you want to chat or are interesting in matching us or joining us or anything else.


Origin: The DOMsquad was created in May 1999 by RoyaLBlooD. It was originally started as a Q2 clan for the Digital Paint mod.

IRC: You can find The DOMsquad on in #domsquad. Stop by if you want set up a match, are interested in joining, or simply just want to chat.

Contact: If you wish to contact the clan for any reason like setting up matches, joining, etc., please email


The DOMsquad was created to be a clan of the highest quality - both a blend of top-notch competitiveness and great sportsmanship while maintaining a level of funness. The goal of the clan is to play a clean fair game of Quake and be as successfull as we possibly can. To do this we will practice, develop teamwork, strategize, and bond as a team. In the end The DOMsquad won't have to demand respect, we will earn it.

Code of Conduct

All clan members are expected to present themselves in a highly respectful manner. This goes for while your participating with the clan as well as while your not within the clan. At all times you are playing Quake or chatting on IRC you are representing the clan and shall do so according to these guidelines.

Peronal Conduct
All members are expected to act in a mature and respectable manner at all times. Every member is expected to respect each fellow clan member. Members should be competitive, honest, and loyal.

IRC Conduct
Everyone is expected to participate in IRC so we can get to know each other and bond as a team. While on IRC everyone should act mature and respectful. Unnecessary scripts or bots are frowned upon. All members have permission to use any op powers such as kicking as long as it is necessary.

Practice Conduct
Everyone is encouraged to participate in as many practices as they can. If you can't make a practice, you are expected to notify a leader. During practices everyone must be aware of what is going on and follow directions. Practices must be taken seriously for them to have any impact.

Match Conduct
Outside of leader - leader talk, the only communication should be in team talk only. Non-friendly trash talking before and after matches is looked down upon. Cheating of any kind is absolutely not tolerated. Members are expected to accept the outcome of the match with dignity and without complaint. We will pride ourselves on the ability to accept lose when the need arises. On the other hand, when we win we won't rub it in to the other clan.


About the Clan
Mission Statement
Code of Conduct

About the Clan

The DOMsquad is a Digital Paint Paintball 2 clan. The DOMsquad was created to be a clan of the highest quality - both a blend of top-notch competitiveness and great sportsmanship while maintaining a level of funness. The goal of the clan is to play a clean fair game and be as successfull as we possibly can. To do this we will practice, develop teamwork, strategize, and bond as a team. We will set an example by maintaining a high level of classiness on and off the field. In the end The DOMsquad won't have to demand respect, we will have earned it.

Mission Statement

Lame. That is what describes the majority of the online gaming clan scene. Not to say that all clans are lame, or even that most clans are lame, but when you look at the clan scene as a whole, its lameness that you see.

Ever since Quake reinvented multiplayer gaming, gamers around the world have grouped together to form "clans". With gamers united together into these clans, a whole new way to play the game was born. Teamplay rapidly took off and became the main way to play the game. Mega-popular team mods, Capture the Flag and Team Fortress further expanded the concept of clans. Since then there have been numerous games and mods that have shaped today's clan scene.

The problem is that most gamers don't personally know their fellow clan member. Gamers can typically communicate with each other in different ways - by e-mail, over IRC, or through messaging services. But you never truly know each other. It is very easy to misinterpret what one is saying in type. This misinterpretation can cause one to appear lame or immature. Over time some gamers just gave up trying to act unlame. Other gamers get a kick out of spamming, trash talking with everyone, or other acts of lameness. Eventually the clan scene evolved into what it is now - a heaping pile of general lameness.

The DOMsquad is an unlame clan of the highest quality. As gamers, we are committed to maintaining a blend of both top-notch competitiveness and great sportsmanship. We do so for many reasons, mostly because it will ultimately lead to a much richer and more rewarding gaming experience.

Our mission directs us to:

- work with others, especially other clan-mates, to better each others' knowledge and skill in and out of the game.

- uphold the values important to successfull clans, in particular those expressed in the code of conduct.

- to be maintain a high level of competitiveness at all times, matches and non-matches alike, without sacrificing sportsmanship.

- set a good example to other players and clans on how a truly successfull clan operates.

Code of Conduct

All clan members are expected to present themselves in a highly respectful manner. This goes for while your participating with the clan as well as while your not within the clan. At all times you are playing in a game or chatting on IRC you are representing the clan and shall do so according to these guidelines.

Personal Conduct
All members are expected to act in a mature and respectable manner at all times. Every member is expected to respect each fellow clan member. Members should be competitive, honest, and loyal to the clan.

IRC Conduct
Everyone is expected to participate in IRC so we can get to know each other and bond as a team. While on IRC everyone should act mature and respectful. Unnecessary scripts or bots are frowned upon. All members have permission to use any op powers such as kicking as long as it is necessary. This is expected while outside our personal clan channel. Act respectable and mature in other clan channels just in the same way that you are expected in our channel.

Practice Conduct
Everyone is encouraged to participate in as many practices as they can. If you can't make a practice, you are expected to notify a leader. During practices everyone must be aware of what is going on and follow directions. Practices must be taken seriously for them to have any impact. While in practice, keep the talking and fooling around to an absolute minimum and listen and follow the leader's orders.

Match Conduct
Outside of leader to leader talk, the only communication should be in team talk only. Non-friendly trash talking before and after matches is looked down upon. Cheating of any kind is absolutely not tolerated. Every member should respect and follow the acting leader's decisions without question. Giving up or quiting is absolutely untolerated. Everyone is expected to do their own part within the team structure with the goal of bettering the overall team score, not your individual score. Members are expected to accept the outcome of the match with dignity and without complaint. We will pride ourselves on the ability to accept loss when the need arises. On the other hand, when we win we won't rub it in to the other clan.

Dealing With Opponents/Others
You are expected to treat your opponents with respect and dignity. There shall be no fighting with other clans. Should another clan start something with us, ignore them and we will take it up on the battlefield. Only leaders are allowed to organize and schedule matches with other clans. Direct other people to an available leader should there be one, or direct them to the clan site and have them fill out a form and we shall get back to them. This goes for matches, alliances, recruits, etc.


What does DOM stand for?
- DOM doesn't stand for anything, it is just an abreviation of the full name - The DOMsquad.

What does DOMsquad mean/come from?
- The word DOM comes from the word "domination" and basically takes the meaning of: When you dominate so much that you only need to say "DOM..!" and your opponent knows exactly what your talking about. So therefore "DOM!" is a battle cry of total domination and "DOMsquad" is a team who totally dominates.

When was The DOMsquad created? / Who created DOM?
- The DOMsquad was created eccentially by RoyalBlood over the first week of May 1999. RoyalBlood and Methane (then known as PolishPlaya) were the original founders of the clan.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

I Cant Believe I Said That

I just have to say that looking back at these chat excerpts from 8 years ago has been very interesting. It's history, like finding lost artifacts that help us to understand how things were back then. Even though I personally remember the events of that time, memory is not perfect and is prone to being remembered differently over the years, so it's neat revisiting the conversations that took place so long ago. In a way, in Internet years, it WAS a long time ago. The web was in its infancy in the mid-90's and most people did not have it yet. I was playing Doom at this time. By 2000, the web was growing at an exponential rate, but was still very primitive compared to now. Thus these chat excerpts are kind of analogous to looking back at the middle ages when compared the to history of human beings.

The other thing that strikes me about these chats is just how much has changed since then. I sound so much more immature and lame. I wasn't lame or immature at that time, but it kinda seems like it looking back at it now. Also, most noticeably is the fact that my tastes in music has GREATLY changed, for the better I would say. Most of those bands that I was talking about how cool they were, like Primer 55 or Soulfly, I think are horrible and lame now. I don't regret listening to them, but from reading these chats, it seems like I enjoyed them more than I am willing to acknowledge today. Much of this is just ignorance - I was only beginning to listen to metal and did not know of all the other music out there that is so much better. But it pains me to read that now.

Overall though, it is fun to reminisce. I can read these chats, completely haven forgotten that a particular conversation ever took place, and all of a sudden remember, if not exactly, at least part of what was going on at the time. Some of it is rather humorous too. I'm glad to have found them and hope I can keep finding more. I kind of wish I had been more vigorous about saving and backing up everything at the time so that I can dive into everything now, but I am happy to have what I have.

For the record, I now listen to black metal, folk or viking metal, and melodeath.

History of DOM (circa 2004)

This history of DOM was written by yours truly some time during the spring of 2004 when the clan decided to "unretire" from DP for the 2nd time (or 3rd if you count a few matches in 2003.) We only played for a few months or so and did decent, but not great, before we retired again, this time for good. I plan to add this extra chapter to the DOM history, as well as greatly enhance and rewrite the entire history at some time in the near future. Hell, I may just write a memoir of my entire DP experiences one day. But for now, this will have to do.

1. Creation

Towards the end of March 1999, the RIP clan for Digital Paint was dead. I, one of the original founders of RIP, had to move on. I went clanless for a month before deciding on a clan. The other original founder of RIP and personal friend of mine, PolishPlaya, did the same and ended up in a different clan. For the next month or so we looked at numerous clans and even joined a couple. In the end I came to the realization that most clans pretty much sucked. So I decided to give it another shot and create another clan. Keeping in mind what was wrong with most other clans, PolishPlaya and I created what I personally consider to have become the perfect clan. In May 1999, The DOMsquad was founded. I choose the name DOMsquad from a personal word that my group of friends used - "DOM", which applied to the knowledge that you dominated so much that you dont even need to say the "inate" part. It was in my belief that the clan would achieve their namesake.

2. The Early Days

Within a day or two The DOMsquad picked up a member in the name of Acid. We decided not to rush into a match till we gained a few more members and had some practices. However this didn't exactly work out as planned. Instantly we were pestered by a clan by the name of Mama's Boys for a match. Other clans followed. Thus we finally gave in and on May 12, 1999 had our first match - a win against Original Paint Hooligans. During these early days, The DOMsquad consisted entirely of HPB's (High Ping Bastards). Due to the nature of online gaming, this gave us a disadvantage against the better clans who had a few LPB's (Low Ping Bastards). However we quickly gained a reputation as being a very talented group of HPB's with great sportsmanship. Eventhough we couldn't beat the best clans yet, we certainly were an above average clan and gave any clan a work out. Eventually we added WarLobster and ADrenaline to the clan. We also helped change the Digital Paint clan community at this time. Previously most clans only matched once a week, however we, along with Mama's Boys, were matching 3 or 4 times a week regularly. Eventually other clans picked up on this and started matching more regularly too. In the middle of July 1999, The DOMsquad had a respectable 29-17 record.

3. The Middle Ages

Slowly things changed with in the clan by end of the summer. Acid had quit, along with some other members, thus there was a need to add more members. Enter FuRy and JBallZ. WarLobster quit shortly afterwords. Violent J, a former RIP member, was added to The DOMsquad roster. The DOMsquad also changed from an all HPB team to a mostly LPB team, with PolishPlaya getting a T1 at college and RoyaLBlooD, FuRy, and JBallZ all getting cable modems. The clan continued to improve and was now argueably one of the top clans. Here and there we would still lose, but the losses were primarily to other top clans. We gained a reputation at this time as being a clan that doesn't back down from anyone and who frequently challenges the best. We also slowly gained a following of immature jealousy from certain members of the community.

4. The Dark Ages

During the winter of 1999, the clan scene withered. The majority of the top clans had moved on and no longer played Digital Paint. Matches were harder to come by too. Fighting with other clans became a common occurance as the majority of other clans seamed to only want beef with us. We started to fight and argue amongst ourselves a bit too much even. The clan reached the top (in our minds at least) and lost it's focus. Matches were played half-hazardously and without joy. Sensing we needed to move on and that the Digital Paint community was in a state of death anyway (rampant cheating at this time), we retired at the end of February 2000 with an impressive record of 89-44. We had the most (legit) matches and wins of any DP clan in it's history and had proven to ourselves that we were the top clan of the moment. We decided to move into Q3. However that didn't happen, as people didn't get Q3 as soon as originally planned. PolishPlaya also quit at this time.

5. Rebirth

During the month of March 2000, we did little of anything as a clan. However the Digital Paint community slowly came back and we were frequently getting asked for matches. Eventually we decided to unretire and came back in April 2000 with a new vengence. This version of The DOMsquad, while similar on the outside, was very much different on the inside. All the egos and attitude had been left behind and replacing that was a total-team effort that quickly turned unstoppable. If anyone doubted we were the best before, they had all the proof they could want now. We went on a nice 19 game stretch with only 1 loss. Everyone knew we were the clan to beat and we got massive challenges accordingly. We went through everyone, slaughtering any clan with a lack of team play that we met in our path. Our record during this time was an impressive 43-11. Eventually after proving without a shadow of a doubt our place in DP history as one of the all-time top clans, and with little else to prove, we retired for good in July 2000 with a final record of 132-55.

6. TFC & CS

At this time we pursued other gaming experiences, most notably Team Fortress Classic and Counterstrike on Half Life. I can't fill in the details at this moment. There were some fun times, but ultimately it never matched our experience in DP.

7. Death

Eventually it had to happen. Everyone went their own ways and the clan ceased to exist. We still kept in touch with each other everyone once in a while. But matching together as a clan had seemingly come to a final end. There was a minor revival back into DP in the early part of 2003, but the results were disappointing and the revival went away just as quickly as it started.

8. Coming Full Circle

Once again the thrill of competition called us back. Back to our roots in DP. Some how the core members of the clan were reunited. Increased efforts in the community to bring back the same matching expereinces that brought us to love the game in the first place were being made. And DOM would be central in that. New members have been added. The next chapter in the DOM saga is ready to be written...

Random Moments in #paintball (volume 2)

*Note: This post is one in a series of posts containing the unedited surviving IRC transcripts from the likely period of 1999-2001. They are completely random with no knowledge of date or order except that which can be determined through the context and content of said transcripts. No effort will be made at cleaning them up or putting them in order. They may contain material that is inappropriate for younger children. They also may contain lameness and immaturity that is inappropriate for just about everyone. The words represented in these transcripts do not necessarily reflect the opinion of this blog or author, even where the words transcribed, in fact, originated from said author of this blog. It's been eight years or so, after all - a lot can be and has changed! So read at your own caution.*

ball) Pone[] @[07:01:41pm]
[Satyr] is xbain the "head" of #dpleague?
[Rock] zimmy no that sucks :)
[Zimbu] it'll be Hardcore Multiplayer guess the number
[Rock] make a rpg, lol
[Zimbu] rock: actually
[Rock] ?
[Zimbu] i was thinking PokemonBOT
[Rock] cool
[Zimbu] Pokebot
[UNi] Hey
[Zimbu] but then, it's stupid =P
*** Disconnected from
=== (join\#paintball) RoyaLBlooD[royalblood@] @[07:02:50pm]

maybe there were two llamas
[Scythe] goose, as in fartman/fred_e
[Fryth] well
[Fryth] I recognized the ident was glusniffer
[Fryth] (jefe's icq name)
[Fryth] and the name entry was allan
=== (signoff\#paintball) CruncH_[] @[10:37:44pm] [Quit: °ShowDowN v11 PrO° since 1996:]
[Fryth] plus they msg'ed me
[Fryth] because I said "glusniffer? omg" in the channel
=== (join\#paintball) CruncH_[] @[10:38:05pm]
[Fryth] :P
[Scythe] well then they used the same dialup and ip as goose
[Scythe] cause he was on using that same ip =]
[Fryth] is that so hard to believe?
[Fembot] semantics. one/both/all is/are idiot(s).
[Fryth] thank you fem - now what are you talking about again?
[Fembot] *your* thread.
[Fryth] oh, yeah
=== (signoff\#paintball) sparc[] @[10:40:17pm] [Ping timeout]
ù Fembot points to Fryth. "...and THIS is your brain on drugs."
[Fryth] oh - I thought he was accusing me of being ironic, not the guy who replied to the msg
[Scythe] lol
[Fryth] damned basic bulletin board
[Scythe] jeff hes on more than drugs :)
[Fryth] and - weak
[Fembot] he's not brain dead -- he's C A N A D I A N. Contrary to popular belief, scientists have proven there IS a difference.
[Fryth] oh that was really funny
=== (join\#paintball) |slappy|[agfsdfgsgf@] @[10:43:05pm]
[Fryth] or maybe it was CANADIAN
[Fembot] it was
[Fembot] parapharse of Scott Thompson
[Fryth] he's multinational
[Fembot] and gay
[Fryth] doesn't cout
[Fryth] you just had to bring that up didn't you
[Scythe] haha
[Scythe] that one statement kinda ruined it for ya adrian
[Fembot] it was the point of the phrase.
[Fembot] when he said it
[Scythe] i realize that
ù Fryth is lost
[Fembot] Buddy Love
[Scythe] lol
[Fryth] who said it? what? where?
ù Fembot points to Fryth. "...and THIS is your brain on drugs."
[Fryth] whose statement?
[Fryth] i'm going to take that personally in a second
[Fembot] liar
[Fembot] you won't remember it
[Fryth] 'murrican
[Fembot] "Howdy"
[Fryth] ok
[Fryth] you win
[Fembot] sorry
[Fembot] "Howdy, ya'll"
[Fembot] there
[LynX|] The real Mario
[Scythe] LOL
[Fembot] hrh
[Fembot] "director's cut"
[LynX|] =-)
=== (signoff\#paintball) Fryth[] @[10:48:19pm] [Quit: Client Excited]
[Scythe] mortal kombat one =]
=== (join\#paintball) for{}[] @[10:50:42pm]
=== (join\#paintball) while{}[] @[10:50:50pm]
=== (join\#paintball) else{}[] @[10:50:50pm]
=== (join\#paintball) Protocol[] @[10:51:19pm]
=== (join\#paintball) if{}[] @[10:51:27pm]
[LynX|] do we really need this many clones?
=== (join\#paintball) Assassin_[] @[10:53:38pm]
[Protocol] why not?
=== (kick\#paintball) Fembot[] kicked [Protocol] off #paintball [the magic 8-ball says: All signs point to -=] NO ]
=== (join\#paintball) Protocol[] @[10:54:15pm]
ù Protocol bits Fembot's ankle
ù Fembot whizzes on Protocol.
[for{}] =\
=== (part\#paintball) while{}[] @[10:54:44pm]
=== (part\#paintball) else{}[] @[10:54:44pm]
=== (part\#paintball) for{}[] @[10:54:47pm]
[Fembot] Protocol, watch it or I'll get SMURFY on yo' ass!
[Protocol] !
[Scythe] haha
[Fembot] heh
[Scythe] i wanna see this
[Protocol] me to ]:)
[Scythe] the blue and white beatin someone down
[Fembot] ok...
[Fembot] forgive me
ù Protocol eats smurfs
=== (mode\#paintball) Fembot[] sets mode (+m)
[Fembot] _,,aaaaa,,_
[Fembot] _,dP"'' `""""Ya,_
[Fembot] ,aP"' `"Yb,_
[Fembot] ,8"' `"8a,
[Fembot] ,8" `"8,_
[Fembot] ,8" "Yb,
[Fembot] ,8" `8,
[Fembot] dP' 8I
[Fembot] ,8" bg,_ ,P'
[Fembot] ,8' "Y8"Ya,,,,ad"
[Fembot] ,d" a,_ I8 `"""'
[Fembot] ,8' ""888
[Fembot] dP __ `Yb,
[Fembot] dP' _,d8P::::Y8b, `Ya
[Fembot] ,adba8',d88P::;;::;;;:"b:::Ya,_ Ya
[Fembot] dP":::"Y88P:;P"""YP"""Yb;::::::"Ya, "Y,
[Fembot] 8:::::::Yb;d" _ "_ dI:::::::::"Yb,__,,gd88ba,db
[Fembot] Yb:::::::"8(,8P _d8 d8:::::::::::::Y88P"::::::Y8I
[Fembot] `Yb;:::::::""::"":b,,dP::::::::::::::::::;aaa;:::8(
[Fembot] `Y8a;:::::::::::::::::::::;;::::::::::8P""Y8)::8I
[Fembot] 8b"ba::::::::::::::::;adP:::::::::::":::dP::;8'
[Fembot] `8b;::::::::::::;aad888P::::::::::::::;dP::;8'
[Fembot] `8b;::::::::""""88" d::::::::::b;:::::;;dP'
[Fembot] "Yb;::::::::::Y8bad::::::::::;"8Paaa""'
[Fembot] `"Y8a;;;:::::::::::::;;aadP""
[Fembot] ``""Y88bbbdddd88P""8b,
=== (mode\#paintball) Fembot[] sets mode (-m)
[Protocol] ok that was gay
[Protocol] lol
[Fembot] agreed
*** Disconnected from
=== (join\#paintball) RoyaLBlooD[royalblood@] @[10:57:45pm]

Random Moments in #domsquad (volume 2)

*Note: This post is one in a series of posts containing the unedited surviving IRC transcripts from the likely period of 1999-2001. They are completely random with no knowledge of date or order except that which can be determined through the context and content of said transcripts. No effort will be made at cleaning them up or putting them in order. They may contain material that is inappropriate for younger children. They also may contain lameness and immaturity that is inappropriate for just about everyone. The words represented in these transcripts do not necessarily reflect the opinion of this blog or author, even where the words transcribed, in fact, originated from said author of this blog. It's been eight years or so, after all - a lot can be and has changed! So read at your own caution.*

f my guitar
[RoyaLBlooD] im close to 21 though, and they dont know my exact birthday
[ADrenaline] matt i'm not seeing the cable
[RoyaLBlooD] think man, how can i do it
[RoyaLBlooD] what cable
[ADrenaline] mic to amp
[RoyaLBlooD] the cord
[ADrenaline] yea
[RoyaLBlooD] every mic has to connect to something
[ADrenaline] it's a different plug is all i'm saying
[ADrenaline] cables aren't cheap either
[RoyaLBlooD] so you use that adapter
[RoyaLBlooD] you dont need a cable unless you need an extention so it reaches further
[ADrenaline] i'm not seeing the adapter
[ADrenaline] ok
[ADrenaline] ummm
[ADrenaline] the mic plug is a big circle with 3 holes in it
[ADrenaline] not like a plug in like a guitar
[ADrenaline] so they must have a certain plug in their amps or something
[ADrenaline] anyway
[ADrenaline] what's some music with that kinda sound i'm looking for
[ADrenaline] i forgot
[ADrenaline] hmm may have found something
[ADrenaline] $15 piece
[ADrenaline] so....
[ADrenaline] like $145 for the mic shit
[ADrenaline] if you figure $15 for that piece, $99 for the mic, $40 for the cable
=== (signoff\#domsquad) ADrenaline[] @[12:21:50am] [Ping timeout]
=== (join\#domsquad) ADrenaline[] @[12:47:39am]
=== (mode\#domsquad) ChanServ[ChanServ@Services.EnterTheGame.Com] sets mode (+o ADrenaline)
[ADrenaline] hey matt
[ADrenaline] doh nevermind
=== (signoff\#domsquad) ADrenaline[] @[12:48:33am] [Quit: So ashes to ashes, dust to dust, I'm going to burn this whole place down... (

punch someone in the ballz?
[vj] is that what it means
[vj] lol, i didnt start it so i dunno
[VyRuS] guapo means good looking/handsome in spanish
[JBallZ] asshole's working
[VyRuS] 55 0 27015 Advanced CS Beta 7. cs_milit cstrike 9 of 12
[JBallZ] i'm down
[VyRuS] hehe
[JBallZ] damnit
[JBallZ] i hope circuit city isn't gonna be anal tomorrow
=== (signoff\#domsquad) Brewsky[] @[07:35:59pm] [Quit: can you pay my bills? can you pay my telephone bills?]
[JBallZ] aight i'm comin
[JBallZ] wee cs time
[JBallZ] damnit server needs to not be full
[JBallZ] tis on busy redial eh
[VyRuS] whatever
[VyRuS] server blowed anyway
=== (signoff\#domsquad) VyRuS[] @[07:54:48pm] [Quit: (I was using Polaris IRC) Version:(2.01 Alpha) Webpage:( Wasted:(26 Minutes and 58 Seconds Online)]
[XtremeBain] brb
=== (signoff\#domsquad) XtremeBain[] @[07:56:34pm] [Quit: There is only one flavor of 0wnage - DOM!]
[JBallZ] damn
=== (nick\change) UnHoLy|BBL

[FuRRy] up for any cs before bed
[FuRRy] ?
[JBallZ] dude
[JBallZ] seaholm caught on fire and they got let out early today
[FuRRy] ahahahahahha
[FuRRy] sweet
[JBallZ] hehe
[FuRRy] wait did it...
[FuRRy] die
[FuRRy] ?
[JBallZ] no
[JBallZ] just a little bit
[FuRRy] damn
[JBallZ] yeah heh
[FuRRy] they know the cause yet
[FuRRy] ?
[JBallZ] tomorrow after school i'm goin to get my deck installed
[JBallZ] not sure
[FuRRy] oh dope
[JBallZ] and buy it
[JBallZ] heh
[FuRRy] my bro is coming to get some cds hed do it for free
[FuRRy] but whatever
[JBallZ] blah
[JBallZ] oh well
[FuRRy] why dont y9u play cs manm
[JBallZ] dude i just got done playing
[JBallZ] and my mom needs to use computer
[JBallZ] whoore
[FuRRy] oh sweet
[FuRRy] noo
[JBallZ] dude i guess the construction part caught on fire
[JBallZ] omg awesome
=== (join\#domsquad) XtremeBain[] @[08:32:49pm]
=== (mode\#domsquad) Royal_away[] sets mode (+o XtremeBain)
=== (mode\#domsquad) ChanServ[ChanServ@Services.EnterTheGame.Com] sets mode (+o XtremeBain)
=== (join\#domsquad) VyRuS[] @[08:33:30pm]
=== (mode\#domsquad) ChanServ[ChanServ@Services.EnterTheGame.Com] sets mode (+o VyRuS)
[JBallZ] nite brothers
=== (signoff\#domsquad) JBallZ[] @[08:34:18pm] [Quit: pease]
[VyRuS] 1255 0 27016 N2L Offical clan se cs_offic cstrike 0 of 20
[VyRuS] [VyRuS] thats our officila server?
=== (signoff\#domsquad) VyRuS[] @[08:36:38pm] [Quit: (I was using Polaris IRC) Version:(2.01 Alpha) Webpage:( Wasted:(3 Minutes and 13 Seconds Online)]
[FuRRy] lol
=== (signoff\#domsquad) FuRRy[] @[08:43:21pm] [Connection reset by peer]
=== (join\#domsquad) FuRRy[] @[08:43:41pm]
=== (mode\#domsquad) Royal_away[] sets mode (+o FuRRy)
=== (mode\#domsquad) ChanServ[ChanServ@Services.EnterTheGame.Com] sets mode (+o FuRRy)
ù XtremeBain is away, DP [log:ON] [page:ON]
=== (join\#domsquad) vj[] @[09:07:15pm]
=== (mode\#domsquad) Royal_away[] sets mode (+o vj)
=== (mode\#domsquad) ChanServ[ChanServ@Services.EnterTheGame.Com] sets mode (+o vj)
=== (join\#domsquad) UnHoLy[CoP_KiLLa@] @[09:07:36pm]
=== (mode\#domsquad) ChanServ[ChanServ@Services.EnterTheGame.Com] sets mode (+o UnHoLy)
=== (join\#domsquad) ADrenaline[] @[09:08:02pm]
=== (mode\#domsquad) ChanServ[ChanServ@Services.EnterTheGame.Com] sets mode (+o ADrenaline)
[ADrenaline] ?
[ADrenaline] SUP
[Royal_away] yo
[Royal_away] how do i record this now
[Royal_away] i think i have my tape deck connected to my comp
[ADrenaline] do you have a recording program that came with or uses your soundcard?
[ADrenaline] something like cool edit?
[Royal_away] cant i use something that comes with windows to record it as a .wav though
[Royal_away] or just to be able to play it from my comp speakers
[Royal_away] i want to record the line in
[ADrenaline] the windows program only lets you record so much though
[ADrenaline] yes
[Royal_away] what program is it
[ADrenaline] wave recorder
[ADrenaline] sound recorder
[Royal_away] hmm, i can connect it to the mic jack and it records, but not the line in
[ADrenaline] then do it that way
[Royal_away] but there is a lot of static
[Royal_away] hey
[Royal_away] hehe
[ADrenaline] ?
=== (signoff\#domsquad) ADrenaline[] @[09:29:47pm] [Connection reset by peer]
[vj] dood the only snapcase song i like is ambition now
=== (join\#domsquad) ADrenaline[] @[09:30:34pm]
=== (mode\#domsquad) ChanServ[ChanServ@Services.EnterTheGame.Com] sets mode (+o ADrenaline)
[ADrenaline] damn thing
[ADrenaline] what was the first link?
[ADrenaline] neverminf
[ADrenaline] sdfgsdf
[ADrenaline] nevermind
[ADrenaline] god
[ADrenaline] matt
[ADrenaline] what was that site with the mics are shit you mentioned yesterday
[ADrenaline] oh yeah we decided on a more deftones/incubus sound
[vj] omg matt
[vj] we have the exact same tv and the thing it sits on
[vj] weird
[FuRRy] wow thats really cool vj
[FuRRy] .........
[vj] yeah it is!
[vj] asshole
[ADrenaline] lol
=== (signoff\#domsquad) vj[] @[09:42:50pm] [Quit: [ united we stand...together we fall...[ ffX ]] ]
=== (join\#domsquad) vj[] @[09:42:50pm]
=== (mode\#domsquad) ChanServ[ChanServ@Services.EnterTheGame.Com] sets mode (+o vj)
-ChanServ(ChanServ@Services.EnterTheGame.Com)- [ Important ETG IRC Global Notice From VD-WHiZ ] we might see a couple splits/mass disconnects in the next few minutes as we do a little bit of maint to help streamline some connections
[ADrenaline] matt
[ADrenaline] so what do the prepkill guys have for gear?
[Royal_away] go to their website
[Royal_away] dumbass
[Royal_away] should i get cool edit pro or cool edit 2000
[ADrenaline] yes
ù XtremeBain has returned. [gone:50m51s]
[ADrenaline] sorry
[ADrenaline] bastard
[Royal_away] pro or 2000...
[ADrenaline] 2000
=== (signoff\#domsquad) XtremeBain[] @[09:47:26pm] [Quit: There is only one flavor of 0wnage - DOM!]
[Royal_away] ok, know of a crack
[ADrenaline] i have one
[ADrenaline] if i can find what cd i have it on
[Royal_away] heh
[ADrenaline] you on icq?
[Royal_away] no
[ADrenaline] get on it
[Royal_away] blah
[ADrenaline] yeah awesome page
[ADrenaline] accept damn it
[ADrenaline] heard linkin park on the radio today
[ADrenaline] so where is this cool prepkill page with what they play on?
[Royal_away] not working
[ADrenaline] i think we are going to add a slipknot touch to this music though
[vj] sounds good
[Royal_away] anything else cool i can use
[Royal_away] we want to add in an intro
[ADrenaline] i dunno
[ADrenaline] haha i was playing bass today
[Royal_away] wow
[ADrenaline] it was funny
=== (nick\change) Royal_away

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Random Moments in #paintball (volume 1)

*Note: This post is one in a series of posts containing the unedited surviving IRC transcripts from the likely period of 1999-2001. They are completely random with no knowledge of date or order except that which can be determined through the context and content of said transcripts. No effort will be made at cleaning them up or putting them in order. They may contain material that is inappropriate for younger children. They also may contain lameness and immaturity that is inappropriate for just about everyone. The words represented in these transcripts do not necessarily reflect the opinion of this blog or author, even where the words transcribed, in fact, originated from said author of this blog. It's been eight years or so, after all - a lot can be and has changed! So read at your own caution.*

a soccer game
[Borgus] we made it to the district finals
[Sprinkle] er
[Sprinkle] how old are you?
[Borgus] 17
[Borgus] im a senior
[Borgus] in hs
[Sprinkle] ah
[Sprinkle] hs?
[Sprinkle] yea
[Sprinkle] hehe
[Borgus] we are ranked 4thi in the state
[RoyalBlood] what state
[Sprinkle] what state?
[Sprinkle] yea
[Borgus] ohio
[Sprinkle] lol, nice
[Borgus] thanks ;)
[Borgus] its division 2
[RoyalBlood] my former HS is ranked 1st or 2nd
[Sprinkle] i dunno what division we are in
[RoyalBlood] pretty much been ranked in the top 3 for the last 7 years
[Borgus] what state rb?
[RoyalBlood] IL
[Sprinkle] its way up in NE Ohio
[RoyalBlood] and i coulda made the team, grrr
[Borgus] sprinkle you are in oh?
[Sprinkle] yup
[Borgus] oh my
[Borgus] :)
[Sprinkle] suburbs of youngstown
[Sprinkle] :P
[Borgus] cleveland
[Sprinkle] in boardman
[Borgus] close to
[Sprinkle] thats not far
[Sprinkle] cleveland is maybe 30 mins away, the way I drive
[Sprinkle] :P
[Borgus] im 30 min south of columbus
[Sprinkle] do
[Sprinkle] erm
[Sprinkle] doh
[Sprinkle] thats like 3 hours :P
[Borgus] yeah
[Borgus] hehe
[Borgus] i thought you livbed in NY
[Sprinkle] NJ
[Borgus] yeah
[Borgus] that
[Borgus] :P
[Sprinkle] I did for a year, moved back in august.
[Borgus] NJ
[Borgus] i see
[Borgus] cool
[Borgus] Welcome back
[Sprinkle] :P
[Borgus] how old are you?
[Sprinkle] 18
[Borgus] out of hs?
[Sprinkle] I stopped playin soccer when I was 16, heh.
[Sprinkle] Not yet.
[Borgus] you are a senior too eh?
[Sprinkle] I played since I was 6.
=== (join\#paintball) slappyDOS[] @[09:23:00pm]
[Borgus] w00t for the seniors
[Sprinkle] Yup, love them lax senior days.
[Borgus] hehe
[Borgus] yeah
=== (join\#paintball) Jester[] @[09:23:50pm]
=== (signoff\#paintball) Donk[] @[09:25:41pm] [Quit: This is the end. - (E)volution v.7.0 Final - Http://]
=== (signoff\#paintball) slappyDOS[] @[09:25:41pm] [Connection reset by peer]
=== (signoff\#paintball) LynX[] @[09:25:42pm] [Quit: -eXtreme- Are w#e free yet?!@!]
=== (join\#paintball) Donk[] @[09:26:42pm]
=== (signoff\#paintball) Zimbu|Out[] @[09:28:13pm] [Ping timeout]
=== (join\#Paintball) Fryth-[] @[09:29:49pm]
=== (signoff\#paintball) Fryth[zzzz][] @[09:29:50pm] [Connection reset by peer]
[KnacK] [Fryth-] p-p-p-pr0n!
=== (mode\#paintball) ChanServ[ChanServ@Services.EnterTheGame.Com] sets mode (+v Fryth-)
=== (nick\change) BAS|CreDawg] @[08:20:30pm]
=== (join\#paintball) DezTroyer[] @[08:22:57pm]
[DezTroyer] any 1 in here have starcraft? but dont play it no more
[herb] yeah lynx
[herb] lol
[Wishy] herb sign up
[herb] ?
[Wishy] me and j are picking teams now
[Wishy] i mean players
[Wishy] so are sttats will start tonight
[herb] get Steve yzermnan
[Wishy] u
[Wishy] make a teasm
[herb] url?
[Wishy] go to hockey
[Wishy] then go to register
[Wishy] then when it asks for a division tell me
[Wishy] ill walk u threw it
[Wishy] u will need my name and pass
[herb] do we win money?
=== (join\#paintball) ADrenaline[] @[08:25:32pm]
[Wishy] if u get first place
[Wishy] u get in a raffle
[Wishy] for like a mil
=== (join\#paintball) Mrs-FuRRy[] @[08:27:02pm]
[LynX] skateboarding sucks
[herb] LOL
[herb] LynX sucks
[LynX] potheadwannabe
[herb] LOL NOOOO
[herb] i aint no wannabe
[LynX] ure a poser
[herb] if you knew me in real life, youd' take that back :P
[LynX] i dont think so.
[LynX] ]:]
[herb] ok wanna be alcoholic :)
[LynX] so
[LynX] im old enough to drink as much or as little as i want
[LynX] :P~
[LynX] (legally)
[herb] there is no legal age to smoke pot :P
[LynX] cuz its all illegal fooitch
[Mrs-FuRRy] cha cha cha
=== (mode\#paintball) Fryth[] sets mode (+b *!*lynx@*
=== (kick\#Paintball) Fryth[] kicked [LynX] off #Paintball [chill]
[Fryth] now it's personal.
=== (mode\#paintball) Fryth[] sets mode (-b *!*lynx@*
=== (join\#paintball) LynX[] @[08:31:42pm]
[LynX] hi im lame
[LynX] and my middle name is fryth
[herb] LOL!
[herb] KB TIME
[Mrs-FuRRy] hmm..
[Fryth] geez, relax
[Fryth] this is like some battle between the tokers and the straight-edgers
[herb] LOL!
[herb] GO FRYTH
=== (mode\#paintball) Fryth[] sets mode (+b *!*8@*
=== (kick\#Paintball) Fryth[] kicked [herb] off #Paintball [lewser]
[Mrs-FuRRy] caps are cool
=== (mode\#paintball) Fryth[] sets mode (-b *!*8@*
[Mrs-FuRRy] damn he got hoed
=== (signoff\#paintball) dOMiNaToR[] @[08:33:34pm] [Connection reset by peer]
[Fryth] i love this channel
[RoyalBlood] lamers vs llamas
[Mrs-FuRRy] lol
[LynX] so which one are you RB?
=== (signoff\#paintball) sparc[CS][] @[08:34:49pm] [Connection reset by peer]
[Fryth] we abstain
[RoyalBlood] I obviously was not involved in this pathetic arguement
=== (join\#paintball) sparc[CS][] @[08:34:58pm]
=== (join\#paintball) Darth_Had[] @[08:35:15pm]
[LynX] but you both added your 9 cents worth..which puts u in it. (period)
[Darth_Had] oh
[RoyalBlood] observing the situation isnt the same as participating
=== (signoff\#paintball) r4zz[] @[08:35:57pm] [Ping timeout]
=== (signoff\#paintball) Haders[] @[08:35:58pm] [Connection reset by peer]
[LynX] your an accessory to murder if you watch difference
=== (signoff\#paintball) BeRsErK[] @[08:36:11pm] [Ping timeout]
[Darth_Had] who
[Darth_Had] what
[Darth_Had] when
[Fryth] what?
[Darth_Had] I was trying to make a poem
[RoyalBlood] witness, not necesarily a accessory
=== (join\#paintball) BeRsErK[] @[08:36:29pm]
[TheWall] hmm
[Fryth] then you shouldn't report it, because then you'd get in trouble!
[RoyalBlood] as a witness, im stating that it was lamers vs llamas, heh
[LynX] if you dont do anything about it...same thing..and by doing something about it...calling the people involved names...your now part of it
[Mrs-FuRRy] oh god i dont think it was a murder
[RoyalBlood] i did do something about it...
[Darth_Had] oh but it is
=== (join\#paintball) r4zz[] @[08:37:10pm]
[RoyalBlood] i said my story
[Fryth] oh shut up lynx
[Fryth] really
[Darth_Had] your killing brain cells
[Darth_Had] DUH DUR DUH
[TheWall] what are you guys talking about?
[RoyalBlood] i diverted him
[Fryth] TheWall: who knows
[Darth_Had] dood
[TheWall] insane...
[Darth_Had] I got bad chinese
[Mrs-FuRRy] pointless bs..
[Darth_Had] and i am hating life.
[LynX] TheWall: but leave it to fryth to kickban everyone
[TheWall] ok
[Fryth] fem's not here, i have to be twice as tough.
[TheWall] darth....thats to bad
[LynX] "...cuz he can"
=== (nick\change) Darth_Had

Random Moments in #domsquad (volume 1)

*Note: This post is one in a series of posts containing the unedited surviving IRC transcripts from the likely period of 1999-2001. They are completely random with no knowledge of date or order except that which can be determined through the context and content of said transcripts. No effort will be made at cleaning them up or putting them in order. They may contain material that is inappropriate for younger children. They also may contain lameness and immaturity that is inappropriate for just about everyone. The words represented in these transcripts do not necessarily reflect the opinion of this blog or author, even where the words transcribed, in fact, originated from said author of this blog. It's been eight years or so, after all - a lot can be and has changed! So read at your own caution.*

$90 too, but someone is getting shot in the process
[ADrenaline] lol
[ADrenaline] do it!
[RoyaLBlooD] nah i dont want to get into that
[ADrenaline] good investment
[RoyaLBlooD] i seriously could get stuff like that for super cheap from this guy i know
[RoyaLBlooD] but i dont want him to be like "oh when you get back from hawaii...."
[RoyaLBlooD] expecting some return
[ADrenaline] heh
[ADrenaline] i'll be back in....uhh.....may....yeah may
[ADrenaline] i might need to buy a mic
[RoyaLBlooD] mics suck
[ADrenaline] i dunno yet
[FuRRy] ..
[RoyaLBlooD] they sound so crappy unless you spend a lot
[RoyaLBlooD] and still dont sound good till you get a PA system
[DyRe] hey furry you got linkin park closer to the edge?
[ADrenaline] what do they run the mic through?
[ADrenaline] just their amps?
[RoyaLBlooD] yah
[ADrenaline] cause i can do it on mine
[ADrenaline] prolly not the best way to do it
[ADrenaline] but it will do for now
[RoyaLBlooD] cuz they have 2 guitars, but when they practice only one of them plays
[FuRRy] no i dont
[RoyaLBlooD] the other uses his amp for the mice
[RoyaLBlooD] mic
[FuRRy] why didnt you come play cs , vytas
[RoyaLBlooD] sounds terrible
[ADrenaline] what size amp?
[ADrenaline] fuck i'm going to have to buy a mic and some cables
[ADrenaline] damn it
[ADrenaline] how much is a good mic?
[ADrenaline] where can i even find one
[RoyaLBlooD] he has a half stack
[ADrenaline] hmmm
[ADrenaline] yeah suck ass on my amp then
[ADrenaline] 15watts! whoop
[RoyaLBlooD] drums would drown you out
[RoyaLBlooD] dunno what the guitarists/bass have
[ADrenaline] prolly
[RoyaLBlooD] even if they had 15 watts, drums would drown all of you out, heh
[ADrenaline] we can use a 4x10 stack for the bass if we have a head for it
[RoyaLBlooD] hmm
[RoyaLBlooD] im gunna get that tape tomorrow and play around with it friday
[RoyaLBlooD] see if i cant record it on my comp some way
[ADrenaline] you can
[RoyaLBlooD] wont sound great, but it doesnt sound great to begin with
[ADrenaline] put it in a tape player and use a pass through cable
[RoyaLBlooD] i wish Slipknot was touring right now
[RoyaLBlooD] alright i dont understand these MD recorders
[RoyaLBlooD] bunch of complicated shit, wouldnt know what to buy
[ADrenaline] well you can always find a hard disk recorder for $200-700
[FuRRy] hey
[FuRRy] did you see hatebreed at tte?
[RoyaLBlooD] yeah
[ADrenaline] ok buying this brand
[FuRRy] did there seem to be more skin head peeps in that crowd?]
[ADrenaline] incubus and deftones use them
[RoyaLBlooD] no
[ADrenaline] filter
[ADrenaline] goldfinger
[RoyaLBlooD] same crowd as the other 15 bands there
[ADrenaline] blink 182, korn, everclear
[ADrenaline] live, prodigy, pantera
[RoyaLBlooD] i think the perfect concert (without getting too big) would consist of Primer 55, Reveille, and Soulfly/Sepultura/Slipknot
[RoyaLBlooD] any of these 3 would do for the headliner
[ADrenaline] sevendust
[ADrenaline] staind
[RoyaLBlooD] those pits would kick so much ass
[ADrenaline] 311
[ADrenaline] hjgkjtgfygdgdjdjfhdkhgf
[ADrenaline] home
=== (signoff\#domsquad) ADrenaline[] @[08:52:00pm] [Quit: Leaving]
[FuRRy] right now 311 is on the top of my bands i wanna see list
=== (signoff\#domsquad) Ripley187[] @[08:52:58pm] [Quit: ]
[RoyaLBlooD] band i want to see the most that i havent is....
[RoyaLBlooD] hmm
[RoyaLBlooD] ive seen everyone...
[FuRRy] lol
[FuRRy] 311?
[FuRRy] no!
[RoyaLBlooD] maybe Machinehead or Stabbing Westward
[RoyaLBlooD] no i havent seen 311 yet, but i can think of a lot of other bands id rather see
[RoyaLBlooD] maybe Cradle of Filth even
[FuRRy] dude youd be amazed how good they are
[RoyaLBlooD] they aint shit
[RoyaLBlooD] dunno if its just me
[RoyaLBlooD] but all their albums have maybe 3 really really awesome songs
[RoyaLBlooD] then the rest are all dull
[RoyaLBlooD] disapointing
[vj] man i feel all newbieish
[vj] ive only been to 1 concert
[RoyaLBlooD] and it was probably awesome as hell right?
[RoyaLBlooD] then youll go to a few others and realize that that concert wasnt as great as it seamed, heh
[vj] it was good
[vj] yeah i thought full devil jacket was bad as
[vj] ass
[RoyaLBlooD] i saw creed last year
[vj] creed is good live
[vj] friggin, collective soul wasnt all too good
[RoyaLBlooD] i might have thought that last year
[RoyaLBlooD] but not anymore
[RoyaLBlooD] collective soul was there too?
[vj] yah
[RoyaLBlooD] oh man, i woulda went to see it just for Collective Soul
[vj] you couldnt hear him that well
[vj] liek towards the end it got better
[RoyaLBlooD] happens
[vj] yeah
[vj] but they were ok
[vj] played all their hit songs
[vj] plus some new from their upcoming album
[RoyaLBlooD] Primer 55 is awesome live, but when they played with Soulfly you could barely hear the singing
[RoyaLBlooD] depends on where you stand
[FuRRy] vj im with you
[FuRRy] 1 concert
[RoyaLBlooD] 33...
[FuRRy] if you dont count ted nugent
[FuRRy] =/
[FuRRy] and i dont count it
[vj] damnit
[vj] im going to incubus, and deftones
[RoyaLBlooD] i dunno how many ive been to
[vj] cant miss that
[RoyaLBlooD] but a lot
::: ((Dcc)) Transfer completed(send\02 - One Step Closer.mp3[3649k]) to Dy-away in 2242secs [1.6270 kbps]...
[FuRRy] dude i want to go SO bad
[FuRRy] its on my fucking birthday
[UnHoLy`] Anyone know a way I could play songs to someone while i'm voice chatting with them...
[vj] i better get tickets though
[UnHoLy`] it says my sound card is in use
[RoyaLBlooD] Thats sold out for me
[FuRRy] my friends buy tiockets without telling me
[FuRRy] and their like
[FuRRy] "oh the floor is sold out soprry"
[vj] prolly is here too
[RoyaLBlooD] trying to get it on ebay if someone ever goes there
[FuRRy] ;klzdfjlk;sdfjkl;jasfl;jkasfl;jkasfjklhsfa
[UnHoLy`] could I convert them to maybe a diff form of file that will play while i'm voice chattin?
[FuRRy] dude it isnt gonna sell out over here
[FuRRy] they playin in a pretty big place
[RoyaLBlooD] sold out in 2 days for me
[FuRRy] lol
[RoyaLBlooD] anyway, im going anyway
[FuRRy] thats crazy
[UnHoLy`] anyone?
[RoyaLBlooD] try to get some from a scalper that night
[FuRRy] theyw ere gonna have it a t a place that holds bout 1000
[RoyaLBlooD] how big is the place
[RoyaLBlooD] wtf, thats all
[FuRRy] yeah
[RoyaLBlooD] gotta be more than that
[FuRRy] then they chanegd it
[FuRRy] to like the size of the pistons stadium
[FuRRy] about
[RoyaLBlooD] oh, they WERE...
[FuRRy] you dont know the size, i dunno how to describe it
[RoyaLBlooD] try to find out the size
[FuRRy] were yes
[FuRRy] excuse my bad typing
[RoyaLBlooD] i know of chicago sites that list venues
[RoyaLBlooD] and they list how much it holds
[FuRRy] im not sure
[RoyaLBlooD] i want to know if they are playing at similar sized venues in other cities
[FuRRy] sdunno where to fidn sites like that
[RoyaLBlooD] maybe they are just at a smaller one for chicago and thats why it sold out so fast
[RoyaLBlooD] just look it up
[FuRRy] its called cobo if you wanna check it out
[FuRRy] cobo arena i think
[RoyaLBlooD] go to and type in the venu
[RoyaLBlooD] grr, i guess i could look it up
[FuRRy] hehe
[FuRRy] tell me if you find anything i have to get some pepsi
[RoyaLBlooD] i saw Deftones in the summer
[RoyaLBlooD] and they were playing at the same place the next one is at
[RoyaLBlooD] didnt sell out till about 5 days before the show
[RoyaLBlooD] this one sold out 2 months before the show...
[FuRRy] daamn
[FuRRy] and deftones are closing.. right?
[RoyaLBlooD] headlining, yah
[RoyaLBlooD] when Incubus toured earlier this year, they played at a lot smaller place
ù FuRRy listens to millencolin all night
[FuRRy] yyyyyyyyyyyyyeaaaaaaaaaaah
[RoyaLBlooD] its listed as holding 2,300
[RoyaLBlooD] deftones gotta play something bigger than that
[FuRRy] beats me
[FuRRy] i know its huge
[RoyaLBlooD] talking about chicago
[FuRRy] oooooooooooooh
[RoyaLBlooD] Cobo Hall - 11,400
[FuRRy] ah
[RoyaLBlooD] that doesnt make sense
[RoyaLBlooD] chicago is the biggest scene
[RoyaLBlooD] you know more ppl would go to see them here than almost anywhere else, other than their hometown
[RoyaLBlooD] the one adren is going at has a 17,014 capacity
[RoyaLBlooD] hometown show, thats expected
[RoyaLBlooD] they are playing at stadiums everywhere else
[RoyaLBlooD] club here
[RoyaLBlooD] which is cool, but should pick a bigger one
[RoyaLBlooD] id rather see it at a club than an arena
[RoyaLBlooD] arenas sound like shit
[RoyaLBlooD] or actually, i keep forgetting
[RoyaLBlooD] they are playing across the street
[RoyaLBlooD] still only 5000, not much bigger
[DyRe] thanx rb for the song
[RoyaLBlooD] should add a 2nd date for us at least
=== (signoff\#domsquad) UnHoLy`[CoP_KiLLa@] @[09:22:13pm] [Quit: Leaving]
=== (signoff\#domsquad) DyRe[] @[09:27:39pm] [Quit: (I was using Polaris IRC) Version:(2.01 Alpha) Webpage:( Wasted:(3 Hours 43 Minutes and 25 Seconds Online)]
[vj] blah
[vj] hey, new tool album suppost to be coming out in april
[vj] do you have any tool albums?
=== (join\#domsquad) ADrenaline[] @[09:41:05pm]
=== (mode\#domsquad) ChanServ[ChanServ@Services.EnterTheGame.Com] sets mode (+o ADrenaline)
[ADrenaline] blah

Forensics Methods

It might be of interest to some people exactly what I did to find and recover this lost information and data. In any case, it makes sense to me to document the methods used and anything else that may be interesting during this project. After all, I'm trying to recover lost documentation of my Quake clanning experience because I wish to reminisce occasionally - I may also want to reminisce about this forensics experience.

First I went through every hard drive I owned and installed them, one by one, in a 2nd, and mostly unused, computer to see what worked and what could easily be found. This is where I was originally expecting to find those saved mp3s and videos. I discovered that two hard drives were entirely dead (which I already knew, but it was reassuring that there were no others) and a couple other drives could not be recognized. A few videos and pictures were found at this stage, but not much and nothing unexpected or entirely interesting.

I then did some research and planning. There is a lot involved in computer forensics and while I did take a course on it 9 months ago, I am by no means an expert and had largely forgotten the details of the course. So I had to remind myself of certain things. I also had to do some planning for which hard drives to search first and how to store what I recovered. For one thing, I have several hard drives that are the same make and size, thus being potentially confusing unless I clearly labeled each. For another thing, I needed free space to store all this stuff, without potentially writing over as of yet unrecovered data. I have two 750GB hard drives in my main computer that I felt safe did not have any hidden or lost data contained on them. So that would be where I would store everything. But even then, I have several drives that are 80-160GB in size - I could eat through that 1.5TB of space (of which at least 500 GB was already being used, by the way) in a hurry.

Rather than going through the pain of learning various filesystems all over again and writing some programs to parse through them, I found and used these programs called TestDisk and PhotoRec for search and recovery. It was quite a niffy set of programs. With TestDisk, I found the reason for a couple hard drives being unrecognizable to Windows - they were Linux LVM partitions, remnants of a PVR system I built, but had ceased using, utilizing MythTV. With PhotoRec, I could search through and recover data files. I did this one hard drive at a time on my 2nd computer, to ensure that if anything went bad, I wasn't losing anything valuable. I then transferred the recovered data to my main computer where the parsing phase began.

To parse the hundreds of GB of data totaling over 200,000 individual files would require automation. I first made a script to seperate all the files by filetype into individual directories. That way I would have all the jpg files together in one place to look through, while all the mpg files were in another place to browse through. I separated according to the most likely and interesting filetypes (jpg, mpg, avi, gif, html, txt, mp3, wav) and also in order to rid the more useless or uninteresting filetypes (dll, exe, h, xml).

I now could look through a graphic directory like jpg say, see what is there, and separate them to a more appropriate location. Of interest were any personal pictures of me, my friends, or trips or events I may have taken or been a part of; any shows, practices, or recording sessions of the bands I worked with; or anything dealing with DP and the DOM or RiP clans. (There was also much porn, which was inevitable and mostly uninteresting, if not humorous. Mostly temporary saved Internet files rather than stuff that I had wanted to save. To that end there were a lot of other temporary Internet files dealing with music, sports, games, and anything else I typically spend time browsing on the web.)

I should note that since most of these files were deleted or overwritten by a new filesystem, filenames or directory structure could not be recreated. Thus all the files are named f71429412.mp3 or f83917523.jpg. In other words, there was, and still is, a lot of tedious renaming to be done. In most cases I simply separated them into the appropriate location and will go back when I have time to rename them. I have to actually view or listen to each individual file to figure out what it is exactly before I can rename them - a very, VERY, time consuming task. It should also be known that there may be a lot of repeats, files that were transferred to different hard drives over the years, their remains still present on multiple drives. There is a way I could parse through all the files, detect if they are duplicates, and delete them, but I have not done that yet.

With text files, since many were garbage or were uninteresting and useless system files, I had to search through for specific strings that may be of interest, for example "domsquad". To do this I just used wrote a script that used find and xargs and moved found matches to appropriate places. Since there could be false positives, I still had to manually look at each file, but the script greatly limited the number of files I had to check.

The results of all this work and parsing was the rediscovery of many valuable files, some long forgotten. I still have a lot of work left to do, but I am quite pleased with the initial results. I hope that additional, deeper and more in depth forensics, will result in even more rediscoveries. And anything of interest relating to DOM will be posted here.