Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Random Moments in #paintball (volume 1)

*Note: This post is one in a series of posts containing the unedited surviving IRC transcripts from the likely period of 1999-2001. They are completely random with no knowledge of date or order except that which can be determined through the context and content of said transcripts. No effort will be made at cleaning them up or putting them in order. They may contain material that is inappropriate for younger children. They also may contain lameness and immaturity that is inappropriate for just about everyone. The words represented in these transcripts do not necessarily reflect the opinion of this blog or author, even where the words transcribed, in fact, originated from said author of this blog. It's been eight years or so, after all - a lot can be and has changed! So read at your own caution.*

a soccer game
[Borgus] we made it to the district finals
[Sprinkle] er
[Sprinkle] how old are you?
[Borgus] 17
[Borgus] im a senior
[Borgus] in hs
[Sprinkle] ah
[Sprinkle] hs?
[Sprinkle] yea
[Sprinkle] hehe
[Borgus] we are ranked 4thi in the state
[RoyalBlood] what state
[Sprinkle] what state?
[Sprinkle] yea
[Borgus] ohio
[Sprinkle] lol, nice
[Borgus] thanks ;)
[Borgus] its division 2
[RoyalBlood] my former HS is ranked 1st or 2nd
[Sprinkle] i dunno what division we are in
[RoyalBlood] pretty much been ranked in the top 3 for the last 7 years
[Borgus] what state rb?
[RoyalBlood] IL
[Sprinkle] its way up in NE Ohio
[RoyalBlood] and i coulda made the team, grrr
[Borgus] sprinkle you are in oh?
[Sprinkle] yup
[Borgus] oh my
[Borgus] :)
[Sprinkle] suburbs of youngstown
[Sprinkle] :P
[Borgus] cleveland
[Sprinkle] in boardman
[Borgus] close to
[Sprinkle] thats not far
[Sprinkle] cleveland is maybe 30 mins away, the way I drive
[Sprinkle] :P
[Borgus] im 30 min south of columbus
[Sprinkle] do
[Sprinkle] erm
[Sprinkle] doh
[Sprinkle] thats like 3 hours :P
[Borgus] yeah
[Borgus] hehe
[Borgus] i thought you livbed in NY
[Sprinkle] NJ
[Borgus] yeah
[Borgus] that
[Borgus] :P
[Sprinkle] I did for a year, moved back in august.
[Borgus] NJ
[Borgus] i see
[Borgus] cool
[Borgus] Welcome back
[Sprinkle] :P
[Borgus] how old are you?
[Sprinkle] 18
[Borgus] out of hs?
[Sprinkle] I stopped playin soccer when I was 16, heh.
[Sprinkle] Not yet.
[Borgus] you are a senior too eh?
[Sprinkle] I played since I was 6.
=== (join\#paintball) slappyDOS[agfsdfgsgf@usr06-203.tca.net] @[09:23:00pm]
[Borgus] w00t for the seniors
[Sprinkle] Yup, love them lax senior days.
[Borgus] hehe
[Borgus] yeah
=== (join\#paintball) Jester[JrJester@sdn-ar-005coauroP308.dialsprint.net] @[09:23:50pm]
=== (signoff\#paintball) Donk[say@adsl-63-173-138.asm.bellsouth.net] @[09:25:41pm] [Quit: This is the end. - (E)volution v.7.0 Final - Http://www.evolu.cjb.net]
=== (signoff\#paintball) slappyDOS[agfsdfgsgf@usr06-203.tca.net] @[09:25:41pm] [Connection reset by peer]
=== (signoff\#paintball) LynX[lynx@24-240-14-140.hsacorp.net] @[09:25:42pm] [Quit: -eXtreme- Are w#e b.ug free yet?!@!]
=== (join\#paintball) Donk[say@adsl-63-173-85.asm.bellsouth.net] @[09:26:42pm]
=== (signoff\#paintball) Zimbu|Out[h@cm-24-25-142-144.nycap.rr.com] @[09:28:13pm] [Ping timeout]
=== (join\#Paintball) Fryth-[fryth@cr97196-a.etob1.on.wave.home.com] @[09:29:49pm]
=== (signoff\#paintball) Fryth[zzzz][fryth@cr97196-a.etob1.on.wave.home.com] @[09:29:50pm] [Connection reset by peer]
[KnacK] [Fryth-] p-p-p-pr0n!
=== (mode\#paintball) ChanServ[ChanServ@Services.EnterTheGame.Com] sets mode (+v Fryth-)
=== (nick\change) BAS|CreDawg

springfield2.ma.pub-ip.psi.net] @[08:20:30pm]
=== (join\#paintball) DezTroyer[jo@ip81.springfield2.ma.pub-ip.psi.net] @[08:22:57pm]
[DezTroyer] any 1 in here have starcraft? but dont play it no more
[herb] yeah lynx
[herb] lol
[Wishy] herb sign up
[herb] ?
[Wishy] me and j are picking teams now
[Wishy] i mean players
[Wishy] so are sttats will start tonight
[herb] get Steve yzermnan
[Wishy] u
[Wishy] make a teasm
[herb] url?
[Wishy] www.smallworld.com
[Wishy] go to hockey
[Wishy] then go to register
[Wishy] then when it asks for a division tell me
[Wishy] ill walk u threw it
[Wishy] u will need my name and pass
[herb] do we win money?
=== (join\#paintball) ADrenaline[Bobb@ppp79-pax.sonnet.com] @[08:25:32pm]
[Wishy] if u get first place
[Wishy] u get in a raffle
[Wishy] for like a mil
[herb] DOWNLOAD TONY HAWK 2! http://tonyhawk2.hypermart.net/pc-download.htm
=== (join\#paintball) Mrs-FuRRy[pimp@nic-c29-097.mw.mediaone.net] @[08:27:02pm]
[LynX] skateboarding sucks
[herb] LOL
[herb] LynX sucks
[LynX] potheadwannabe
[herb] LOL NOOOO
[herb] i aint no wannabe
[LynX] ure a poser
[herb] if you knew me in real life, youd' take that back :P
[LynX] i dont think so.
[LynX] ]:]
[herb] ok wanna be alcoholic :)
[LynX] so
[LynX] im old enough to drink as much or as little as i want
[LynX] :P~
[LynX] (legally)
[herb] there is no legal age to smoke pot :P
[LynX] cuz its all illegal fooitch
[Mrs-FuRRy] cha cha cha
=== (mode\#paintball) Fryth[fryth@cr97196-a.etob1.on.wave.home.com] sets mode (+b *!*lynx@*.hsacorp.net)
=== (kick\#Paintball) Fryth[fryth@cr97196-a.etob1.on.wave.home.com] kicked [LynX] off #Paintball [chill]
[Fryth] now it's personal.
=== (mode\#paintball) Fryth[fryth@cr97196-a.etob1.on.wave.home.com] sets mode (-b *!*lynx@*.hsacorp.net)
=== (join\#paintball) LynX[lynx@24-240-14-140.hsacorp.net] @[08:31:42pm]
[LynX] hi im lame
[LynX] and my middle name is fryth
[herb] LOL!
[herb] KB TIME
[Mrs-FuRRy] hmm..
[Fryth] geez, relax
[Fryth] this is like some battle between the tokers and the straight-edgers
[herb] LOL!
[herb] GO FRYTH
=== (mode\#paintball) Fryth[fryth@cr97196-a.etob1.on.wave.home.com] sets mode (+b *!*8@*.sprint.ca)
=== (kick\#Paintball) Fryth[fryth@cr97196-a.etob1.on.wave.home.com] kicked [herb] off #Paintball [lewser]
[Mrs-FuRRy] caps are cool
=== (mode\#paintball) Fryth[fryth@cr97196-a.etob1.on.wave.home.com] sets mode (-b *!*8@*.sprint.ca)
[Mrs-FuRRy] damn he got hoed
=== (signoff\#paintball) dOMiNaToR[Stvn42088@h0050da2ed8c4.ne.mediaone.net] @[08:33:34pm] [Connection reset by peer]
[Fryth] i love this channel
[RoyalBlood] lamers vs llamas
[Mrs-FuRRy] lol
[LynX] so which one are you RB?
=== (signoff\#paintball) sparc[CS][dcheinz@232dul141.chartermi.net] @[08:34:49pm] [Connection reset by peer]
[Fryth] we abstain
[RoyalBlood] I obviously was not involved in this pathetic arguement
=== (join\#paintball) sparc[CS][dcheinz@232dul141.chartermi.net] @[08:34:58pm]
=== (join\#paintball) Darth_Had[noochiebo@207-172-147-45.s45.as1.lxp.md.dialup.rcn.com] @[08:35:15pm]
[LynX] but you both added your 9 cents worth..which puts u in it. (period)
[Darth_Had] oh
[RoyalBlood] observing the situation isnt the same as participating
=== (signoff\#paintball) r4zz[DarkSide@HSE-London-ppp196562.sympatico.ca] @[08:35:57pm] [Ping timeout]
=== (signoff\#paintball) Haders[noochiebo@207-172-147-45.s45.as1.lxp.md.dialup.rcn.com] @[08:35:58pm] [Connection reset by peer]
[LynX] your an accessory to murder if you watch it....no difference
=== (signoff\#paintball) BeRsErK[htp@] @[08:36:11pm] [Ping timeout]
[Darth_Had] who
[Darth_Had] what
[Darth_Had] when
[Fryth] what?
[Darth_Had] I was trying to make a poem
[RoyalBlood] witness, not necesarily a accessory
=== (join\#paintball) BeRsErK[htp@] @[08:36:29pm]
[TheWall] hmm
[Fryth] then you shouldn't report it, because then you'd get in trouble!
[RoyalBlood] as a witness, im stating that it was lamers vs llamas, heh
[LynX] if you dont do anything about it...same thing..and by doing something about it...calling the people involved names...your now part of it
[Mrs-FuRRy] oh god i dont think it was a murder
[RoyalBlood] i did do something about it...
[Darth_Had] oh but it is
=== (join\#paintball) r4zz[DarkSide@HSE-London-ppp196562.sympatico.ca] @[08:37:10pm]
[RoyalBlood] i said my story
[Fryth] oh shut up lynx
[Fryth] really
[Darth_Had] your killing brain cells
[Darth_Had] DUH DUR DUH
[TheWall] what are you guys talking about?
[RoyalBlood] i diverted him
[Fryth] TheWall: who knows
[Darth_Had] dood
[TheWall] insane...
[Darth_Had] I got bad chinese
[Mrs-FuRRy] pointless bs..
[Darth_Had] and i am hating life.
[LynX] TheWall: but leave it to fryth to kickban everyone
[TheWall] ok
[Fryth] fem's not here, i have to be twice as tough.
[TheWall] darth....thats to bad
[LynX] "...cuz he can"
=== (nick\change) Darth_Had

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