Saturday, July 19, 2008

Jballz Dominating Sandtrap

Here are some screenshots of Jballz dominating a DP session on the map Sandtrap. This map was a DP favorite because of it's small size and simple layout, which allowed for high kill totals, even by those who aren't any good. To get a high kill score while having very low deaths, as Jballz demonstrated here, takes skill.

I am also going to act as commentator on these screenshots and pretend that I know what is happening. At the very least, it will make the post more interesting.

We see Jballz get's off to a quick start, scoring 11 kills to 0 deaths within the first three minutes. His team is up 6-0 as well, no doubt, carried almost entirely by him. Given the score, and the fact that Jballz had 1 grab, it has likely been 4 rounds completed so far. Rounds complete fast in Sandtrap. Note that Sharon from clan XP is on the other team and represents Jballz main competition.

Jballz continues to dominate and lead his team, now up 13-4. The other team even has more players to try to balance the skill between the two teams, but it doesn't seem to be working. The only affect has been to pad Jballz kill total. Note that Sharon from XP isn't playing too well.

Now I am not sure what the original intention of this screenshot was. But I can guess. I imagine it was to show Sharon from XP quitting not even half way through the map because of poor play. Sharon was supposedly a great player, but really only seemed to put up high kill totals against newbs on small maps like this one. The fact that he or she was so thoroughly destroyed against a legitimately skilled player that it made him or her quit so quickly was maybe amusing to mr. Jballz. Just a guess.

And naturally, we conclude with the final score. Jballz is head and shoulders above everyone else with an impressive personal score of 75-15, which is an 83.3% efficiency rating or 5-1 kill/death ratio. Given the apparent team size, that means that for every round, Jballz pretty much took out the entire opposing team himself. For whatever reason he is on the red team now instead of the blue team which he was on in the other three screenshots. Maybe he was trying to help even the teams and make red come back. Given how lop-sided the score is though, he must have did this very late and not had a chance.

Overall nice performance by Jballz. Granted it seems most of these players were chumps, but for at least the first nine minutes, there was at least one, supposedly, good player in Sharon on the opposing team, thus it should have been even. But it wasn't and Jballz dominated. Not surprising since this is what DOM did in those days. Nice to still have documentation to prove that these days. Hope I can find more.


FuRy said...

These posts are god damn gold. Thank you for putting these up!

JBallZ and sandtrap = ya'll better run

Jessay said...

RB do you still have any of this stuff saved? (This is hades from dabo etc)