Wednesday, July 16, 2008

I Cant Believe I Said That

I just have to say that looking back at these chat excerpts from 8 years ago has been very interesting. It's history, like finding lost artifacts that help us to understand how things were back then. Even though I personally remember the events of that time, memory is not perfect and is prone to being remembered differently over the years, so it's neat revisiting the conversations that took place so long ago. In a way, in Internet years, it WAS a long time ago. The web was in its infancy in the mid-90's and most people did not have it yet. I was playing Doom at this time. By 2000, the web was growing at an exponential rate, but was still very primitive compared to now. Thus these chat excerpts are kind of analogous to looking back at the middle ages when compared the to history of human beings.

The other thing that strikes me about these chats is just how much has changed since then. I sound so much more immature and lame. I wasn't lame or immature at that time, but it kinda seems like it looking back at it now. Also, most noticeably is the fact that my tastes in music has GREATLY changed, for the better I would say. Most of those bands that I was talking about how cool they were, like Primer 55 or Soulfly, I think are horrible and lame now. I don't regret listening to them, but from reading these chats, it seems like I enjoyed them more than I am willing to acknowledge today. Much of this is just ignorance - I was only beginning to listen to metal and did not know of all the other music out there that is so much better. But it pains me to read that now.

Overall though, it is fun to reminisce. I can read these chats, completely haven forgotten that a particular conversation ever took place, and all of a sudden remember, if not exactly, at least part of what was going on at the time. Some of it is rather humorous too. I'm glad to have found them and hope I can keep finding more. I kind of wish I had been more vigorous about saving and backing up everything at the time so that I can dive into everything now, but I am happy to have what I have.

For the record, I now listen to black metal, folk or viking metal, and melodeath.

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