Thursday, July 17, 2008

Some DOMsquad Logo

This is more or less a test for inserting graphics. This was a logo that we used at one time. Don't ask me when we used it - some time in the April 2000-July 2000 era I would guess - but if I remember correctly, vj made it.

I have a lot of screenshots of match results as well as some other interesting screenshots and some various graphics to share in the upcoming weeks. Much too many to host here, so I'll have to find somewhere to host them all. More importantly though, I have to manually go through them all and rename them. With some effort I could match them up with the match results and kinda-sorta recreate a full match history.

Finally, here is some other DOM logo, that I think was created for the clan by someone in the clan (not sure if it was also vj or someone else's attempt) that I am certain we did not actually use. It certainly doesn't seem familiar enough to me to have been something we used anyhow.

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