Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Random Moments in #domsquad (volume 2)

*Note: This post is one in a series of posts containing the unedited surviving IRC transcripts from the likely period of 1999-2001. They are completely random with no knowledge of date or order except that which can be determined through the context and content of said transcripts. No effort will be made at cleaning them up or putting them in order. They may contain material that is inappropriate for younger children. They also may contain lameness and immaturity that is inappropriate for just about everyone. The words represented in these transcripts do not necessarily reflect the opinion of this blog or author, even where the words transcribed, in fact, originated from said author of this blog. It's been eight years or so, after all - a lot can be and has changed! So read at your own caution.*

f my guitar
[RoyaLBlooD] im close to 21 though, and they dont know my exact birthday
[ADrenaline] matt i'm not seeing the cable
[RoyaLBlooD] think man, how can i do it
[RoyaLBlooD] what cable
[ADrenaline] mic to amp
[RoyaLBlooD] the cord
[ADrenaline] yea
[RoyaLBlooD] every mic has to connect to something
[ADrenaline] it's a different plug is all i'm saying
[ADrenaline] cables aren't cheap either
[RoyaLBlooD] so you use that adapter
[RoyaLBlooD] you dont need a cable unless you need an extention so it reaches further
[ADrenaline] i'm not seeing the adapter
[ADrenaline] ok
[ADrenaline] ummm
[ADrenaline] the mic plug is a big circle with 3 holes in it
[ADrenaline] not like a plug in like a guitar
[ADrenaline] so they must have a certain plug in their amps or something
[ADrenaline] anyway
[ADrenaline] what's some music with that kinda sound i'm looking for
[ADrenaline] i forgot
[ADrenaline] hmm may have found something
[ADrenaline] $15 piece
[ADrenaline] so....
[ADrenaline] like $145 for the mic shit
[ADrenaline] if you figure $15 for that piece, $99 for the mic, $40 for the cable
=== (signoff\#domsquad) ADrenaline[] @[12:21:50am] [Ping timeout]
=== (join\#domsquad) ADrenaline[] @[12:47:39am]
=== (mode\#domsquad) ChanServ[ChanServ@Services.EnterTheGame.Com] sets mode (+o ADrenaline)
[ADrenaline] hey matt
[ADrenaline] doh nevermind
=== (signoff\#domsquad) ADrenaline[] @[12:48:33am] [Quit: So ashes to ashes, dust to dust, I'm going to burn this whole place down... (

punch someone in the ballz?
[vj] is that what it means
[vj] lol, i didnt start it so i dunno
[VyRuS] guapo means good looking/handsome in spanish
[JBallZ] asshole's working
[VyRuS] 55 0 27015 Advanced CS Beta 7. cs_milit cstrike 9 of 12
[JBallZ] i'm down
[VyRuS] hehe
[JBallZ] damnit
[JBallZ] i hope circuit city isn't gonna be anal tomorrow
=== (signoff\#domsquad) Brewsky[] @[07:35:59pm] [Quit: can you pay my bills? can you pay my telephone bills?]
[JBallZ] aight i'm comin
[JBallZ] wee cs time
[JBallZ] damnit server needs to not be full
[JBallZ] tis on busy redial eh
[VyRuS] whatever
[VyRuS] server blowed anyway
=== (signoff\#domsquad) VyRuS[] @[07:54:48pm] [Quit: (I was using Polaris IRC) Version:(2.01 Alpha) Webpage:( Wasted:(26 Minutes and 58 Seconds Online)]
[XtremeBain] brb
=== (signoff\#domsquad) XtremeBain[] @[07:56:34pm] [Quit: There is only one flavor of 0wnage - DOM!]
[JBallZ] damn
=== (nick\change) UnHoLy|BBL

[FuRRy] up for any cs before bed
[FuRRy] ?
[JBallZ] dude
[JBallZ] seaholm caught on fire and they got let out early today
[FuRRy] ahahahahahha
[FuRRy] sweet
[JBallZ] hehe
[FuRRy] wait did it...
[FuRRy] die
[FuRRy] ?
[JBallZ] no
[JBallZ] just a little bit
[FuRRy] damn
[JBallZ] yeah heh
[FuRRy] they know the cause yet
[FuRRy] ?
[JBallZ] tomorrow after school i'm goin to get my deck installed
[JBallZ] not sure
[FuRRy] oh dope
[JBallZ] and buy it
[JBallZ] heh
[FuRRy] my bro is coming to get some cds hed do it for free
[FuRRy] but whatever
[JBallZ] blah
[JBallZ] oh well
[FuRRy] why dont y9u play cs manm
[JBallZ] dude i just got done playing
[JBallZ] and my mom needs to use computer
[JBallZ] whoore
[FuRRy] oh sweet
[FuRRy] noo
[JBallZ] dude i guess the construction part caught on fire
[JBallZ] omg awesome
=== (join\#domsquad) XtremeBain[] @[08:32:49pm]
=== (mode\#domsquad) Royal_away[] sets mode (+o XtremeBain)
=== (mode\#domsquad) ChanServ[ChanServ@Services.EnterTheGame.Com] sets mode (+o XtremeBain)
=== (join\#domsquad) VyRuS[] @[08:33:30pm]
=== (mode\#domsquad) ChanServ[ChanServ@Services.EnterTheGame.Com] sets mode (+o VyRuS)
[JBallZ] nite brothers
=== (signoff\#domsquad) JBallZ[] @[08:34:18pm] [Quit: pease]
[VyRuS] 1255 0 27016 N2L Offical clan se cs_offic cstrike 0 of 20
[VyRuS] [VyRuS] thats our officila server?
=== (signoff\#domsquad) VyRuS[] @[08:36:38pm] [Quit: (I was using Polaris IRC) Version:(2.01 Alpha) Webpage:( Wasted:(3 Minutes and 13 Seconds Online)]
[FuRRy] lol
=== (signoff\#domsquad) FuRRy[] @[08:43:21pm] [Connection reset by peer]
=== (join\#domsquad) FuRRy[] @[08:43:41pm]
=== (mode\#domsquad) Royal_away[] sets mode (+o FuRRy)
=== (mode\#domsquad) ChanServ[ChanServ@Services.EnterTheGame.Com] sets mode (+o FuRRy)
ù XtremeBain is away, DP [log:ON] [page:ON]
=== (join\#domsquad) vj[] @[09:07:15pm]
=== (mode\#domsquad) Royal_away[] sets mode (+o vj)
=== (mode\#domsquad) ChanServ[ChanServ@Services.EnterTheGame.Com] sets mode (+o vj)
=== (join\#domsquad) UnHoLy[CoP_KiLLa@] @[09:07:36pm]
=== (mode\#domsquad) ChanServ[ChanServ@Services.EnterTheGame.Com] sets mode (+o UnHoLy)
=== (join\#domsquad) ADrenaline[] @[09:08:02pm]
=== (mode\#domsquad) ChanServ[ChanServ@Services.EnterTheGame.Com] sets mode (+o ADrenaline)
[ADrenaline] ?
[ADrenaline] SUP
[Royal_away] yo
[Royal_away] how do i record this now
[Royal_away] i think i have my tape deck connected to my comp
[ADrenaline] do you have a recording program that came with or uses your soundcard?
[ADrenaline] something like cool edit?
[Royal_away] cant i use something that comes with windows to record it as a .wav though
[Royal_away] or just to be able to play it from my comp speakers
[Royal_away] i want to record the line in
[ADrenaline] the windows program only lets you record so much though
[ADrenaline] yes
[Royal_away] what program is it
[ADrenaline] wave recorder
[ADrenaline] sound recorder
[Royal_away] hmm, i can connect it to the mic jack and it records, but not the line in
[ADrenaline] then do it that way
[Royal_away] but there is a lot of static
[Royal_away] hey
[Royal_away] hehe
[ADrenaline] ?
=== (signoff\#domsquad) ADrenaline[] @[09:29:47pm] [Connection reset by peer]
[vj] dood the only snapcase song i like is ambition now
=== (join\#domsquad) ADrenaline[] @[09:30:34pm]
=== (mode\#domsquad) ChanServ[ChanServ@Services.EnterTheGame.Com] sets mode (+o ADrenaline)
[ADrenaline] damn thing
[ADrenaline] what was the first link?
[ADrenaline] neverminf
[ADrenaline] sdfgsdf
[ADrenaline] nevermind
[ADrenaline] god
[ADrenaline] matt
[ADrenaline] what was that site with the mics are shit you mentioned yesterday
[ADrenaline] oh yeah we decided on a more deftones/incubus sound
[vj] omg matt
[vj] we have the exact same tv and the thing it sits on
[vj] weird
[FuRRy] wow thats really cool vj
[FuRRy] .........
[vj] yeah it is!
[vj] asshole
[ADrenaline] lol
=== (signoff\#domsquad) vj[] @[09:42:50pm] [Quit: [ united we stand...together we fall...[ ffX ]] ]
=== (join\#domsquad) vj[] @[09:42:50pm]
=== (mode\#domsquad) ChanServ[ChanServ@Services.EnterTheGame.Com] sets mode (+o vj)
-ChanServ(ChanServ@Services.EnterTheGame.Com)- [ Important ETG IRC Global Notice From VD-WHiZ ] we might see a couple splits/mass disconnects in the next few minutes as we do a little bit of maint to help streamline some connections
[ADrenaline] matt
[ADrenaline] so what do the prepkill guys have for gear?
[Royal_away] go to their website
[Royal_away] dumbass
[Royal_away] should i get cool edit pro or cool edit 2000
[ADrenaline] yes
ù XtremeBain has returned. [gone:50m51s]
[ADrenaline] sorry
[ADrenaline] bastard
[Royal_away] pro or 2000...
[ADrenaline] 2000
=== (signoff\#domsquad) XtremeBain[] @[09:47:26pm] [Quit: There is only one flavor of 0wnage - DOM!]
[Royal_away] ok, know of a crack
[ADrenaline] i have one
[ADrenaline] if i can find what cd i have it on
[Royal_away] heh
[ADrenaline] you on icq?
[Royal_away] no
[ADrenaline] get on it
[Royal_away] blah
[ADrenaline] yeah awesome page
[ADrenaline] accept damn it
[ADrenaline] heard linkin park on the radio today
[ADrenaline] so where is this cool prepkill page with what they play on?
[Royal_away] not working
[ADrenaline] i think we are going to add a slipknot touch to this music though
[vj] sounds good
[Royal_away] anything else cool i can use
[Royal_away] we want to add in an intro
[ADrenaline] i dunno
[ADrenaline] haha i was playing bass today
[Royal_away] wow
[ADrenaline] it was funny
=== (nick\change) Royal_away

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