Saturday, July 19, 2008

Random Moments in #paintball (volume 3)

So I think I was in the middle of some conversation about typical match and clan sizes in DP at the time. Most clans were very small and constantly changed. Most of these clans played 2v2 and claimed them as legit matches (DOM did too, but only because everyone else did - but we didn't do that many and we tried very hard to only match 3-3 or higher.) I even noticed 1v1 matches being counted in clan win totals. So the comment I was making was probably about how these spur-of-the-moment, 3-person clans who match 2v2 and 1v1 aren't real clans nor real matches. They certainly don't compare to clans who regularly match 4v4. Playing in a small map 2v2 requires almost no skill or teamwork on your part - it ends up being mostly luck or who has the least lag. But playing 4v4 or more on a larger map requires actual teamwork on each clans part. This was a typical point of contention between DOM and the majority of DP during those days.

[R4ZZ] i'll tell yaa
[Antilles] lol
[Antilles] (R4ZZ): it is hard and long
[R4ZZ] you meet me in real pball
[Antilles] hah hahn
[RoyaLBlooD] but i know some ppl are using them as matches
[BoPo] but why does that make dp have less people ?
[Fembot] thsi is a TEAM mod
[RoyaLBlooD] no point in having teams if you dont play as a team in matches
[RoyaLBlooD] if you dont need teams, you dont need a lot of ppl
[BoPo] oh right right got ya
[BoPo] dp makes me mad
[RoyaLBlooD] a lot of ppl dont play any more cuz they are disgusted about that
[BoPo] everyone is CAMPER NOW
[RoyaLBlooD] ppl thinking they are so bad cuz they can spam a lot of kills
[RoyaLBlooD] can do ok in a 1v1 or a 2v2 match
[Wishy] nous possédons la lune
[BoPo] even hwole clans camp out whole matches and it makes it so noring and i dont care iof its a legal stradegy it make the mod gay
[RoyaLBlooD] but cant do shit except complain if you try to do a 4v4
=== (signoff\#paintball) mYsTiCaL[] @[04:35:02pm] [Connection reset by peer]
[BoPo] 4v4's kick fucking ass
=== (join\#paintball) mYsTiCaL[] @[04:36:53pm]
[Wishy] anything under 4v4 should be called a match
[BoPo] wtf are you talking about
[Antilles] SHOULDNT
[BoPo] where is everyone
[mYsTiCaL] why not
[mYsTiCaL] is should be considered a match
[Antilles] anything under 4v4 takes no skill
[BoPo] people in dp jump too high and run too fast
[BoPo] it should be slowewr moveing
=== (join\#paintball) R4ZZ[] @[04:41:55pm]
[Antilles] yes bopo
[Antilles] i told cal to do that
[BoPo] me too
[Antilles] wouldnt that be cool if, when you fall and it makes the CRUNCH sound, you drop your gun and some paint and other stuff
[BoPo] it should move like cs
[Antilles] thatd be funny
[BoPo] hmmm i dont know
[R4ZZ] are you still talking about thsat anti
[BoPo] maybe if you lost a little paint it would be good
[Antilles] hehhe razz
[RoyaLBlooD] well thats more differences in games
[Antilles] drop your gun
[R4ZZ] :)
[Antilles] yes rb
[RoyaLBlooD] half life is naturally slower than quake2
[Antilles] and more realistic
[Antilles] who the hell can jump over paint?
[BoPo] guns should float in mid air ya know
[BoPo] shouldnt i mean
[Antilles] yeah
[R4ZZ] you cn't in HL
[BoPo] slow movement requires beter aim and patience
[BoPo] its goood
[RoyaLBlooD] half life is more realistic yah, but it loses a lot of funness due to that
[BoPo] no
=== (join\#paintball) DPsurfer[~java@] @[04:44:01pm]
[Antilles] no
[Antilles] it lasts longer
[BoPo] then why is CS the most played mod ever
[RoyaLBlooD] at the same time you can say, aiming while running requires skill
=== (signoff\#paintball) DPsurfer[~java@] @[04:44:18pm] [Quit: Leaving]
[BoPo] not in dp when you have 300 piant and you odnt have to reload
[Antilles] HL is the most played online game
[BoPo] so people just randomly spray and get kills
=== (join\#paintball) DPsurfer[~java@] @[04:44:51pm]
[][-INsaNE-][] u don't reload in real paintball
[R4ZZ] CS isn't that great
[][-INsaNE-][] why should u in dp
[mYsTiCaL] yea
=== (part\#paintball) DPsurfer[~java@] @[04:45:14pm]
[RoyaLBlooD] yah, cs is probably the most overrated mod
[R4ZZ] you reload in pball
[RoyaLBlooD] its definately good, but its not really that fun
[BoPo] yeha but in real paintball you dont find paint on the ghrpound so otyu conserver idiot
[][-INsaNE-][] when ur outta paint
[R4ZZ] i guess you don'y shoot enough bub
[Antilles] and how can you empty c02, and pick up a c02 and it fills it up
[R4ZZ] lol
[R4ZZ] well you have to remember
[R4ZZ] i imagine
[Wishy] i wannnnnnnnnaaaaa be a anarchy
[R4ZZ] it is hard and long
[Antilles] its impossible to make a realistic game
[RoyaLBlooD] i like how ppl complain about camping in almost every mod
[Antilles] (R4ZZ): it is hard and long [- GROSS RAZZ
[R4ZZ] process to implement all those things
[BoPo] wishy goi bake to england
[RoyaLBlooD] yet they love a mod like cs which IS camping
[R4ZZ] lol
[][-INsaNE-][] lol
[Wishy] in the city
[R4ZZ] it is hard and long
[R4ZZ] process to implement all those things
[R4ZZ] :)
[R4ZZ] sheesh
[BoPo] royal good cs players dont camp
ù Antilles randomly plays

[R4ZZ] your ass will not be coming out in the open
[BoPo] sex pistols blow english nut sac
[Wishy] u suck
[R4ZZ] now are you a camper
[mYsTiCaL] RAP kicks ASS
[R4ZZ] there are no camper in pball
ù ][-INsaNE-][ --] I'm playing -[ Cypress Hill - Hits From The Bong.mp3 ]- | [] INsaNE MP3 []
[Wishy] sex pistols own your fruit boot music
[Wishy] whore
[BoPo] thats a good song right there
[mYsTiCaL] yea baby sweet music
[][-INsaNE-][] 8)
[R4ZZ] i've played real pball almost as long as some of you's been born
[BoPo] i dont listen to too much rap any more though
[mYsTiCaL] m etoo
[][-INsaNE-][] how long would that be
[R4ZZ] ahhh i started in 1985
[RoyaLBlooD] i dont think anyone wants to here you r4zz
[Antilles] i was born than
[Antilles] hehe
[R4ZZ] ahh rb
[R4ZZ] fu
ù Antilles randomly plays

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